Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban
Brief Synopsis
Cast & Crew
Alfonso Cuarón
Daniel Radcliffe
Emma Watson
Rupert Grint
Gary Oldman
Pam Ferris
Film Details
Technical Specs
Thirteen year-old Harry Potter has reluctantly spent yet another summer with the Dursleys, his dismal relatives, "behaving himself" and not practicing any magic. That is, until Uncle Vernon's bullying sister, Aunt Marge, comes to visit. Aunt Marge has always been particularly horrible to Harry and this time pushes him so far that he "accidentally" causes her to inflate like a monstrous balloon and drift away! Fearing punishment from his Aunt and Uncle--and repercussions from Hogwarts and the Ministry of Magic, which strictly forbids students from using magic in the non-magic world--Harry escapes into the night. Along the way, Harry will try to make sense of Hermione's puzzling appearances and disappearances, with the help of Ron and the giant Hagrid, who has taken on a new position at Hogwarts as the Care of Magical Creatures teacher. A confrontation between Harry and the menacing Sirius Black seems inevitable, but what exactly is Professor Lupin's relationship with Black? What is the dark secret that Professor Snape is so eager to reveal? And just why is Ron's pet rat Scabbers so frantic to escape his grasp? Harry will need all of the courage, magic and support he can muster to answer these questions and uncover the truth behind Sirius Black and his ties to the gifted young wizard's mysterious past.

Alfonso Cuarón
Daniel Radcliffe
Emma Watson
Rupert Grint

Gary Oldman
Pam Ferris
Michael Gambon
David Bradley
Robbie Coltrane
Alfie Enoch
Tom Felton
Richard Griffiths
Joshua Herdman
Matthew Lewis
Devon Murray
Chris Rankin
Alan Rickman
Fiona Shaw

Maggie Smith
Julie Walters
David Thewlis
Timothy Spall

Emma Thompson
Peter Best

Julie Christie
Warwick Davis
Dawn French
Jimmy Gardener
Lee Ingleby
Jim Tavare
Danielle Taylor
Mark Williams
Bonnie Wright
Harry Melling
Adrian Rawlins
Geraldine Somerville
Lenny Henry
Robert Hardy
Abby Ford
Oliver Phelps
James Phelps
Sitara Shah
Bronson Webb
Genevieve Gaunt
Kandice Morris
Annalisa Bugliani
Tess Du Cuaron
Violet Columbus
Paul Whitehouse
Ekow Quartey
Rick Sahota
Sharon Sandhu
Freddie Davis
Jamie Waylett
The London Oratory School Schola
Stephen Grahl
Peter Best
Andrew Ackland-snow
Astrig Akseralian
Derek Allen
Amanda Amphlett
Philip Ashton
Peter Aston
Kenny Atherfold
Marc Atherfold
Jeanne Austin
Wayne Barlowe
Michael Barnathan
Celia Barnett
Jim Barr
Kanta Elena Barrios
Mark Bartholomew
Chris Barton
Jayne Barton
Martin Bayfield
Eleanor Beaton
Richard Beggs
Richard Beggs
Andrew Bennet
Ailsa Berk
James Bernardinis
Barry Best
Hannah Marie Biggs
Robert Binnall
Vicky Bishop
Tim Blackham
Tom Blake
Graham Blinco
Robert Bliss
Anthony Bloom
Craig Bloor
Peter Bloor
Peter Bohanna
Pierre Bohanna
Joseph C Bond
Janette Boyle
Nigel Brackley
Michael Brewster
Tom Brewster
Bob Bridges
Stuart Bridges
Terry Bridle
Judy Britten
Adam Brockbank
Sarah Brunsdon
Nicola Buck
Mark Bullimore
Alastair Bullock
Lyndsay Bullock
Jane Burgess
Paul Burgess
Peter Burgis
Tim Burke
Janet Burns
Ken Burry
Trevor Butterfield
Joe Buxton
David Cantwell
Chris Carreras
Chris Carreras
David Carrigan
Ann Cartwright
Elaine Cartwright
Miraphora Caruso
Dixie Chassay
Bruce Cheesman
Paul Chessman
Jamie Christopher
Mark Clark
Temple Clark
Jane Clarke
Victoria Clarke
Derek Clayton
Murray Close
Viola Colditz
Mel Coleman
David Collier
Sean Collins
Andy Colquhoun
Chris Columbus
Ed Colyer
Stanley Cook
Matt Cooke
Catrin Cooper
Rosy Coppola
Michael Corrao
Theresa Corrao
Mark Coulier
Luke Coulter
Bryn Court
Stuart Craig
John Cramman
Marcia Crayford
Jordan Crockett
Jon Croker
David Cross
David Crossman
Tracey Curtis
Julius D'silva
Chris Dale
Charles Darby
Daniel Dark
Nick Daubeny
Vanessa Davies
Emily Dawson
Julia Dehoff
Demi Demetriou
Kelly Dent
Matthew Denton
Andie Derrick
Elizabeth Devereux
William Dodds
Peter Dorme
Sarah Downes
Nick Dudman
Nick Dudman
Andrej Dugin
Olga Dugin
Claire Dundas
Alison Dunne
Mike Durkan
Ronnie Durkan
Bob Eames
Jake Edmonds
Natalie Edwards
Terry Edwards
Simon Emanuel
George Empson
Sue Enoch
Reshad Esmail
Brian Estabrook
Andy Evans
David J Evans
David Evans
Malcolm Evans
Perry Evans
Ceri Evans-jones
Frederic Evard
Genevieve Faria
Bradley Farmer
Karen Fayerty
Jools Feedham
Eithne Fennell
Eithne Fennell
John Ferguson
Andrea Finch
Charlotte Finlay
Simon Finney
Chris Fitzgerald
Catherine Fleming
Jayne Flowers
Martin Foley
Jim Folly
Magot Forster
Peter Foster
Tina Foster
Francoise Fourcade
Barry Fowler
Martyn Fowler
Nina Fowler
John Fox
Pip Fox
Andy Fraser
Andy Fraser
Sandra Frieze
Ian Furbank
Emma Gaffney
Kate Garbett
Steve Gell
Gary Gero
Adrian Getley
Daniela Giangrande
Chris Giles
Alan Gilmore
Michelle Gisonda
Betty Glasow
Matthew Glen
Joe Glover
Gisella Goodwin
Natasha Gormley
Matthew Gough
Barrie Gower
Fraser Grant
Darren Grassby
Robert Grayson
Oliver Greetham
Gill Griggs
Nigel Grint
Laurent Guinci
Laurent Guinci
Frank Guiney
Roger Guyett
Glenn Haddock
Lotte Haggkvist
Stephen Hamilton
Stuart Hamilton
Rod Hamlin
Film Details
Technical Specs
Award Nominations
Best Score
Best Visual Effects
Miscellaneous Notes
Winner of the 2004 Orange Film of the Year award by the British Academy of Film and Television Arts (BAFTA).
Winner of two 2004 awards including Outstanding Visual Effects in a Visual Effects Driven Motion Picture and Outstanding Performance by an Animated Character in a Live Action Motion Picture by the Visual Effects Society (VES).
Released in United States on Video November 23, 2004
Released in United States Summer June 4, 2004
Sequel to "Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone" (UK/USA/2001) directed by Chris Columbus and starring Daniel Radcliffe, Emma Watson, and Rupert Grint.
Released in United States Summer June 4, 2004
Released in United States on Video November 23, 2004