Shall We Dance
Brief Synopsis
Cast & Crew
Peter Chelsom
Richard Gere
Jennifer Lopez
Nick Cannon
Susan Sarandon
Stanley Tucci
Film Details
Technical Specs
Chicago lawyer John Clark knows his life is almost perfect. He loves his beautiful wife, he's built a successful career and raised two wonderful kids. And yet, the workday is always the same routine, the commute is a grind and the family's usually too busy to spend time together. Sometimes John wonders if this is all there is, until one evening on his way home from work he gets off his train and does the unthinkable. Without tellling a soul, he secretly begins taking dance lessons. Suddenly, John is thrust into a whole new world--of motion, music, camaraderie and passion. As this very serious man becomes literally light on his feet, his whole life, and marriage, transforms.
Peter Chelsom

Richard Gere
Jennifer Lopez
Nick Cannon

Susan Sarandon
Stanley Tucci
Chantelle Leonardo
Denis Tremblay
Brian Torner
John O'connell
Alison Black
Steve Martin
Kim Kindrick
Mairi Babb
Holly Johnson
Pierre Allaire
Omar Benson Miller
Driton Dovolani
Candace Smith
Gary Mcdonald
Geri Hall
Keti Virshilas
Deborah Yates
Daphne Korol
Tamara Hope
Sarah Lafleur
Caitlynn Taczynski
Richard Jenkins
Jean Marc Genereux
Anita Gillette
Karina Smirnoff
Gio Tropeano
Vyacheslav Kryklyvyy
James Sermons
Stark Sands
Matt Gordon
Sandra Caldwell
Lisa Ann Walter
Bobby Cannavale
David Sparrow
Beatriz Pizano
Onalee Ames
Brian Drader
Ann Margaret Clements
Diana Salvatore
Barre W. Hall
Diana Marquis
Francesco Flumiani
Sean O'brian
Nicholas Kosovich
Ja Rule
Scylla Abarientos
John Albanis
Gerry Alfonso
John Altman
John Altman
John Altman
David Arch
Tracey Armstrong
Rui Arruda
Carrie G. Arsenault
Christian Arseneault
James Ashwell
Jennifer Athayde
Jeff Atmajian
Lisa Auguste
Cassandra Barbour
Tony Barracca
Gary Barringer
Gary N Baugh
Ron Bedeau
David R Beecroft
Tory Bellingham
Ivan Berkovich
Jennifer Berman
Robert Bertola
Christine Bieselin
Simon Board
Margot Boccia
Milana Bodiroga
Marie Bolduc
Jack Bourdon
Tommy Boyer
Robyn Braha
Rudy Braun
Patrick Brady Breen
Weldon Brown
Gary Burritt
Carlos Caneca
Rick Canelli
Marilyn Carbone
Sophie Carbonell
Michael Carr
Ashley Carruthers
Susana Castillo
Chris Cawte
Tamar Chammou
Sue Chan
Cecilia Chang
Valerie Chartier
Shanna Cipressi
Luann Claps
Paul Clarvis
Paul Clay
Paul Clay
Ross Clydesdale
Peter Cobbin
Matt Colleran
James Collins
Sofia Constanini
Michael P Cook
Ricardo Coreas
Cesar Corrales
Lee Ann Cotton
J C Craig
John Cucci
Liz Curtis
Patrick Cyccone Jr.
Mark Cyre
Gerrit Dangremond
Corrie Daniel
Danny Davalos
Susanna David
John De Borman
Marco De La Cruz
Christopher Dean
Niki Delecia
Craig Dellinger
Demetra Diamantopoulos
Yohandy Diaz
Karen Doble
Dianne Domaratzki
Dmitri Dorgoselets
Alain Doucet
Driton Dovolani
Felipe Droguett
Richard Duffy
John Durica
Lisa Anne Durupt
Lisa Anne Durupt
Cathie Edgar
Jason England
Ben Ermis
Shalene Archer Ermis
Isabelle Farand
Sharon Ferguson
Anne-marie Ferney
Nathan Fields
Simon Fields
Francesco Flumiani
Gary Fluxgold
Joann Fregalette Jansen
Leigh French
Rebecca Frohlinger
Sarah Furgale
Miguel Garrido
John Gaskin
Mark Gebel
Elisa Gil-osorio
John Gilmore
Wayne Glesby
Julie Goldstein
Brad Good
Alea Goodmanson
Bob Goold
Christopher Gower
Rebecca Gray
Jason Grenville
Isobel Griffiths
Robert A Hackl
Khristen Hamilton
Caroline Hanania
Pat Hanley-cumming
Mitzi Haralson
Tim Harding
Bob Harper
Christine Hart
Roland Heap
Eddie Hession
Richard Hicks
Joao Lutz Holowka
David Huang
Rachel Hudgins
Faye Hung
Ross Ikeda
Dmitry Ilyushenov
Nick Ingman
Charles Ireland
Amy Israel
Robert Izzard
Stephane Jacques
David James
Allan Jenkins
Charles Jimenez
Holly Johnson
Lynn Jolicoeuer
Anik Jolicoeur
Charlotte Jorgensen
Don Julien
Karver Kaminsky
Patricia Keighran
Michael Keller
Kirsten Kelly
Matthew Kosoy
Patricia Kress
Vyacheslav Kryklyvyy
Ryan Kulbaba
Rtjean Labrie
Dominic Lacroix
Francis Lafreniere
Richard Lancaster
Russell Langille
Phil Lanthier
Vanessa Lawson
Robert Leighton
Stephanie Leong
Josee Lepine
Ron Levitt
Rachel Levy
Tony Lewis
Conant Liu
Cal Loucks
Lyn Lucibello
Susan Luu
Shannon Mahussier
Stephanie Manchulenko
John Marasigan
Dan Marjanovich
Greg Marlow
Wayne Marr
Greg Martin
Joachim Martin
Ronald Carlos Martinez
Kaylee Maslowsky
Timothy J Maxwell
Kojo Mayne
Eileen Mccahill
Pat Mccarthy
Gary Mcdonald
Rob Mceune
Gary Mcintyre
Lisa Mcintyre
Robert Mcrae
Jeff Melvin
Tony Meredith
Jean Francois Messier
Dawn Mickelow
Leslie Mikol
James A. Miller
Christian Millette
Bill Mills
Film Details
Technical Specs
Miscellaneous Notes
Released in United States Fall October 15, 2004
Released in United States on Video February 1, 2005
Released in United States on Video February 1, 2005
Previously in development at Playtone Productions.
English languge remake of "Shall We Dance?" (Japan/1996), directed by Masayuki Suo.
Previously in development at Junction Entertainment with Jon Turteltaub attached to direct.
Released in United States Fall October 15, 2004