The Shamrock Handicap


Brief Synopsis

Trovatosi in grosse difficoltà economiche, un vecchio nobiluomo irlandese è costretto a vendere parte della propria scuderia ad un possidente Americano, che si porta via anche il suo miglior fantino. Durante una corsa il fantino si infortuna e, così, viene raggiunto in America dal vecchio padrone, che ha portato con sè anche la figlia ed una puledra. Per risollevare le sorti della scuderia, iscrivono la puledra ad una corsa importante (sarà la...

Film Details

Release Date
May 2, 1926
Premiere Information
not available
Production Company
Fox Film Corp.
United States

Technical Specs

Black and White
Theatrical Aspect Ratio
1.33 : 1
Film Length
5,685ft (6 reels)


Sir Miles Gaffney, an Irishman whose affection for the tenants on his estate leads him to face poverty, is obliged to dispose of part of his stable to a wealthy American, who also takes home with him Neil Ross, a young jockey in love with Sheila, Sir Miles's daughter. When Neil is injured in a race, Sir Miles and Sheila come from Ireland, bringing with them their prize filly, "Dark Rosaleen," which they enter in a steeplechase. When their jockey is injured, Neil takes his place and wins the race; the family fortune is thus recouped, and all return to Ireland, where Neil finds happiness with Sheila.

Film Details

Release Date
May 2, 1926
Premiere Information
not available
Production Company
Fox Film Corp.
United States

Technical Specs

Black and White
Theatrical Aspect Ratio
1.33 : 1
Film Length
5,685ft (6 reels)




Some sources indicate slight variations in character names.