Eve's Leaves
Cast & Crew
Paul Sloane
Leatrice Joy
William Boyd
Robert Edeson
Walter Long
Richard Carle
Film Details
Technical Specs
Eve, the boyish daughter of a freighter captain stationed in a Chinese port, is addicted to dime novels and romantic daydreams. Going ashore with her father, she meets Bob Britton, the son of a wealthy teaplanter, who teases her, thinking she is a boy. When Chang Fang, a Chinese pirate, stages a raid on the town, Eve uses the situation to shanghai Bob aboard her father's vessel, which is then taken by the pirates. Bob is taken to Chang's stronghold with Eve, who conceals herself in a large rug; when she reveals herself, Chang orders the room cleared, but she binds him hand and foot, as she did earlier to Bob. Eve and Bob escape, pursued by the pirate band. Chang is popped into a jar and ejected from a window by a missionary, who then reads psalms to Chang while Eve ropes him; drawn up to the window, Bob and Eve compel the missionary to marry them.
Paul Sloane
Leatrice Joy
William Boyd
Robert Edeson
Walter Long
Richard Carle
Arthur Hoyt
Film Details
Technical Specs