Gulliver's Travels
Brief Synopsis
Cast & Crew
Mac Mcdonald
John Wells
Billy Burke
Navin Chowdhry
Nicholas Lyndhurst
Sylvester Morand
Film Details
Technical Specs
Miniseries inspired by Jonathan Swift's novel. An English physician, shipwrecked for eight years, finally returns home and recounts an unbelievable odyssey of strange lands and fantastic creatures.
Mac Mcdonald
John Wells
Billy Burke
Navin Chowdhry
Nicholas Lyndhurst
Sylvester Morand

Graham Crowden
Gordon Sterne
Annette Badland
Antonio Susinni
Badi Uzzaman
Stephen Russell
Ricco Ross
Tom Sturridge
Isabelle Huppert
Roger Ennals
Freya Westdal
James Fox

John Gielgud
Dionne Waters
Steen Young
Robert Hardy
Shashi Kapoor
Wolf Christian
Warwick Davis
Stefan Kalipha
Richard Wilson
Ted Danson
Kristin Scott Thomas

Omar Sharif

Ned Beatty
Mary Steenburgen
John Bardon
George Harris
Anne Lambton
Phoebe Nicholls
John Standing
Edward Fox
Edward Petherbridge
Ian Dunn
Gary Barber
Kate Maberly
Alexis Thomas
Jud Charlton
Philip Mcgough
Sandeep Sharma
Anna Godsiff
Steve Nakeris
Simon Tyrrell
Jonathan Coyne

Geraldine Chaplin
Karyn Parsons
Matthew Cullum
Kieron Smith
David Larkin
Mike Savage
Malcolm Stoddard
Graham Kern

Peter O'toole
Mark Hopkins
Claire Adams
Alfre Woodard
Brendon Stapleton

Edward Woodward
Cyril Shaps
Phoebe Sotiriades
J R Abuin
Keith Addis
John Addison
Adam Aldridge
Geoffrey Alexander
Geoffrey Alexander
Jonathan Allen
Joseph Alley
Chris Allies
Tony Almond
Philip Alton
Maria Amaral
Carlos Antunes
John Ashcroft
Howard Atherton
Alex Bailey
Atvar Bains
Patricia Barr
Baltazar Barradas
Joao Barrades
Carlos Barreto
Ana Barros
William Bartlett
Peter Beasley
Ailsa Berk
Jose Bernardino
Mike Bevan
George Blackwell
Hanna Bovington
Miranda Bowyer
George Branchie
Tim Bricknell
Lesley Broderick
Trevor Brooker
Steve Burgess
Ron Burkett
Steven Burkett
John Burn
Paul Cadiou
Pedro Camacho
Lucy Cardozo
John Casey
Joao Cayatte
Johnny Clark
Dale Clarke
John Clarke
John Clarke
Ray Coats
Vicente Coentro
James Cooper
Matthew Cope
Bridgette Corbett
Ian Corbould
Paul Corbould
John Cornelius
Fatima Correia
Peter Coulson
Nick Coward
Jane Crockett
Lindsay Crockett
Antonio Cunha
Herculano Cunha
Ted Dabrera
Wendy Dade
Rita Dean
Ted Deason
Marian Degraef
Maria Dent
Steve Dent
Luis Dias
Denise Dove
John Downer
Dean Drabin
Robert Eames
Harry Eckford
David Edwards
Russell Edwards
Alfie Emmins
Andy Evans
Frederic Evard
Lucy Fawcett
Mike Feinberg
John Fenner
Jose Ferreira
Michael Finlay
Celestia Fox
Sophie Lane Fox
Gary Freeman
Martin Fuller
Jeremy Gee
James Gemmill
Frank Gill
Martin Goddard
Paulo Gomes
Angus More Gordon
Raymond Grant
John Greaves
Ian Green
Tim Greenwood
Scott Griffin
Isobel Griffiths
Pauline Griffiths
Sian Grigg
Sian Grigg
Ray Hall
Roger Hall
Robert Halmi
Paul Hamblin
Mike Hanley
Annie Hargreaves
Martin Harvey
Keith Hatcher
David Havard
Bernard Hearn
Nick Heather
Guy Heeley
Brian Henson
Kevin Herbert
Andrew Holder
Margaret Horspool
Tony Hughes
Jeremy Hunt
Roy Hyatt
Charles Ixer
Cedric James
Philip Glyn Jones
Trevor Jones
Trevor Jones
Simon Kaye
Paul Kemp
Duncan Kenworthy
Julian Kershaw
John Ketteringham
Lynn Kressel
Christopher Kunn
Jose Lacorreia
Bradley Larner
Terry Lay
Melissa Layton-skorepa
Vera Lazzarini
Jonathan Lee
Teresa Pinto Leite
John Lewis
Martin Lewis
Maggie Lewty
Lee Lighting
James Linton
Andrew Litvin
Mike Lloyd
Phil Longergan
Fernando Lopez
Tommy Lowen
Carlos Lucas
Simon Lucas
David Lusby
Ged Lyden
Slim Macdonnell
Fernando Maia
Joao Pedro Mamede
James Manning
Tony Mansey
Luis Marchante
Miguel Marques
Simon Marsden
Leonor Martins
Andrew Mash
Don Maton
Jose Matos
Cassius Matthias
Augusto Mayer
Tony Mayers
Clair Mcdermott
Silvia Meireles
Joao Milagre
Clive Miles
Ron Miles
Barry Miller
Richard Milward
Paula Miranda
Vitor Miranda
Neil Monroe
Fernando Monteiro
Simon Moore
Stephen Morley
Chris Mortimer
Sarah Morton
Enyo Mortty
Peter Mounsey
Joana Moura
Fernando Mouzinho
Neil Murrum
Paula Nascimento
David Naylor
Kathy Niewoehner
Sophie North
Graham Norton
Adriana Novais
Margarida Nunes
Kevin O'bryne
Francisco Oliveira
Film Details
Technical Specs
Miscellaneous Notes
Aired in United States February 4, 1996
Aired in United States February 5, 1996
Released in United States on Video August 27, 1996
Estimated budget: $27,000,000.
Began shooting April 17, 1995.
Completed shooting August 11, 1995.
Combines live action and digital effects from Jim Henson's Creature Shop.