Bionic Showdown: The Six Million Dollar Man and the Bionic Woman
Brief Synopsis
Cast & Crew
Alan J Levi
Josef Sommer
Robert Lansing
David Nerman
Jack Blum
Sandra Bullock
Film Details
Technical Specs
A television movie sequel in which Lee Majors and Lindsay Wagner reprise the roles of the Bionic Woman and the Six Million Dollar Man. This time they are at the World Unity games taking place in Toronto, where Americans and the Russians are competing. A diplomatic crisis arises after a bionic infiltrator within the OSI threatens security at the games.
Alan J Levi
Josef Sommer
Robert Lansing
David Nerman
Jack Blum
Sandra Bullock
Jeff Yagher
Lawrence Dane
Richard Anderson
Lee Majors
Marcia Levine
Andy Dan
Geraint Wyn Davies
Lindsay Wagner
Steve Pernie
Robert Mcclure
Michael Rothery
David Adamson
Carolyn Dunn
Lee Majors
James Kee
Martin Brooks
Richard Anderson
Eric Banz
Eldie Benson
Silvio Berti
Donna Boyle
Susan Brandes
Raymond Brounstein
Kathryn Buck
David Chud
Brian Cole
J C Craig
John Davidson
Robert Delaurentis
Nance Duggan
Chris Edge
Anne-marie Ferney
Dorigan Fode
Jake Fry
Jake Fry
Kevin Ghiglione
David Gibbons
Bill Goddard
Orest Haba
Tony Hall
Ann Henshaw
Kim Hoffman
Jeff Hohener
Diana Irwin
Dennis Jacobson
Maris H. Jansons
Bernadette Joyce
Cheryl Junkin
Cheryl Junkin
Lan Lamon
Alan Lennox
Megan Less
Bruce Long
Ellen Lubin
Tony Lucibello
Lee Majors
Martin Malivoire
Ted Mann
Michelle Mansfield
Scott Mansfield
Rocco Matteo
Roberta Mayer
Jerome Mccann
Clark Mccarron
Michael Mcdonald
David Moxness
Daniel Narduzzi
Seana O'neill
Marilyn O'quinn
David Pamplin
Irma Parkkonen
Byron Patchett
Marilyn Pereira
Tom Pinteric
Andrew Poulos
Divyo Putney
Branko Racki
John Rubins
Tracy Shaw
Ray Simm
Michael Sloan
Michael Sloan
Michael Sloan
Marty Solomon
Jeff Steinberg
Oliver Steins
Ron Stenden
Marilyn Stonehouse
Richard Teodorczyk
Sheryl Thomson
Glen Treilhard
Mark Van Alstyne
Nigel Watts
Leila Weinzweig
Monica Weir
Daniel White
Delphine White
David J Woods
Thomas Yee
Andrew Yskes
Film Details
Technical Specs
Miscellaneous Notes
Aired in United States April 30, 1989
Previous title: "Return of the Six Million Dollar Man and the Bionic Woman II."
Began shooting January 10, 1989.
Completed shooting February 1989.
Lee Majors III is producer/star Lee Majors' son.