The Wicksboro Incident

1h 10m 2001

Brief Synopsis

In 1953, the entire population of Wicksboro, Texas, vanished without a trace. 45 years later, a witness comes out of hiding to tell his story...

Film Details

Also Known As
Wicksboro Incident
Release Date

Technical Specs

1h 10m


In 1953, the entire population of Wicksboro, Texas, vanished without a trace. 45 years later, a witness comes out of hiding to tell his story...

Film Details

Also Known As
Wicksboro Incident
Release Date

Technical Specs

1h 10m



Miscellaneous Notes

Released in United States 2001

Released in United States August 2001

Released in United States on Video February 25, 2003

Shown at Hollywood Film Festival August 1-6, 2001.

Released in United States 2001

Released in United States on Video February 25, 2003

Released in United States August 2001 (Shown at Hollywood Film Festival August 1-6, 2001.)