The Way of the Gun
Brief Synopsis
Cast & Crew
Christopher Mcquarrie
Kristin Lehman
Taye Diggs
Daniel Gerard
Jan Jensen
Irene Santiago
Film Details
Technical Specs
Longtime partners Parker and Longbaugh are hoping for a quick and nonviolent payoff when they abduct Robin, a young woman carrying the child of a wealthy Southwestern couple. But kidnapping proves to be much more complicated, logistically and psychologically, than other felonies they've committed. Parker is increasingly drawn to the mysterious Robin, whose imminent delivery date awakens strong feelings in him. Tensions rise between Parker and Longbaugh, a ruthlessly decisive man who knows Parker's sentimental impulses could land them in big trouble. As the moment for the ransom exchange approaches, Parker and Longbaugh must battle not only well-armed opponents, but also their own conflicted emotions.
Christopher Mcquarrie
Kristin Lehman
Taye Diggs
Daniel Gerard
Jan Jensen
Irene Santiago
Ryan Phillippe
Kathy Crandall
Juliette Lewis

Geoffrey Lewis
Mando Guerrero
Nicky Katt
Andres Orozco
Jose Perez
Benicio Del Toro
Henry Griffin
Neil Pollock

Scott Wilson

Sarah Silverman
Dylan Kussman

James Caan
Keith Adams
Ulrika Akander
Paul Michael Akers
Robert C Alcott
Nathan Alexander
P Sean Anastasion
Dean Aoki
Steven Ariscot
Jane Austin
J B Baer
Susie Balaban
Tim Baldwin
Frank Bare
Jonathan Barta
Wayne Baxter
Bob Berman
George Berndt
David Betancourt
Suzanne Bingham
Jane Boegel
Barbara Boguski
Les Boothe
T W Boroski
Brent Brewington
Mark Bristol
John Steve Broussard
Kurtis Burr
Dennis Burrell
Gary Burritt
John Burton
Mona Butler
Eddie Bydalek
Rick Canelli
Casey Cannon
Skip Carlsen
Diane Carlucci
John Carlucci
Lou Carlucci
Cameron Carpenter
David Carvalho
Audra Cervantes
Brenton Chu
William Paul Clark
Ryan Cooke
Curtis Crowe
Rodney Cuellar
Chris David
Bret Davidson
Roger Davis
Michelle A De Mayo
Teresa Deluca
Benjamin Van Der Veen
Laverne Dewberry
James Russell Dewolf
Johnny Dilks
Johnny Dilks
Homer Z Dodd
Terri Douglas
Michael Dungan
Lauryl Duplechan
Thom Ehle
Philip Eichner
John K. Farr
Wray Featherstone
Amy E Fegely
Jennifer Fegely
Julie Fife
Dawn Fintor
Greg Fosse
Ian Fox
Shane Fuelner
Jason Gardian
Matthew Glaser
Allison Graham
Nicholas Guest
Ann Hanlon
Rhonda Hansen
Margo Hara
Bill Hart
Billy Ray Hass
Emmanuel Haynes
Melinda Ann Clarkson Haynes
Lydia Hazan
Guillermo Hernandez
Chuck Hicks
Travis Hodges
Sam Hofstedt
Gina Homan
Coti Hudgens
Nelson Ibarra
Daniel Indart
Daniel Indart
Alicia Irwin
Stephen Ison
Mick Jagger
Mark A James
Terry James
Maia Javan
Scott A Jennings
Jason Jensen
Brad Jessey
J J Johnson
Jennifer Johnson
Rob M Johnson
Darla Jorgenson
Dennis Jorgenson
Terri Judkins
Dr. Robert Katz
Tracy Keele
Astrid Kemnitz
Leonid Keylin
Kenneth Kokin
Kenneth Kokin
Shaan Kokin
Joe Kraemer
Joe Kraemer
Joe Kraemer
Joe Kraemer
Anthony Kramme
Lynn Kressel
Anne Laing
Harmony Lauritzen
Denise Lee
Luisa Leschin
John Leslie
Irving Lewis
Van Ling
Mike Lookinland
Sal Lopez
Kurt Lott
Diane Lucas
Richard Luke
Erin Lyons
Jenny Lyons
John L Malmborg
Maeve Mannion
Russ Markowitz
Russ Markowitz
Russ Markowitz
Benjamin Martin
Sean Martin
Dawn Massaro
Rob Matheson
Ed Mathews
Bill Mcintosh
Judi Mckee
Caitlin Mckenna
Dylan Mckenna
Christopher Mcquarrie
Doug Mcquarrie
Doug Mcquarrie
Doug Mcquarrie
Heather Neely Mcquarrie
Kevin Mcquarrie
Barry Mcqueary
Thomas Meyer
Tom Meyer
Chuck Michael
Chuck Michael
Nash Michael
David Michaels
Laurel Miller
Mike Milliken
Michael Miner
Michael A. Morongell
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
Otto Nemenz
Rick San Nicholas
Jonathan Nichols
Rick Nielsen
Todd Niesen
Millie Novak
Felicity Nove
Carmen Nydegger
Thomas J. O'connell
Justin Ogden
Eric Oliphant
Heather Olson
Carlos Ortega
Dyana Ortelli
Gary Paul
David Perelle
Josh Pinkert
Dwane B. Platt
Dick Pope
Troy Porter
Cate Praggastis
Art Price
Robert Puff
John G Raymer
Bonnie Reed
Melissa A Remenarich
Lamond Reynolds
Keith Richard
Kent Richards
Lise Richardson
Fred Rindlisbacher
Jacquey Rosati
Tony Ross
Ian Roylance
Film Details
Technical Specs
Miscellaneous Notes
Released in United States Fall September 8, 2000
Released in United States on Video January 2, 2001
Released in United States November 2000
Shown at London Film Festival (Film on the Square) November 1-16, 2000.
Overseas rights reported sold for $8,000,000.
Feature directorial debut for screenwriter Christopher McQuarrie.
Completed shooting September 16, 1999.
Began shooting July 12, 1999.
Released in United States Fall September 8, 2000
Released in United States on Video January 2, 2001
Released in United States November 2000 (Shown at London Film Festival (Film on the Square) November 1-16, 2000.)