3 Ninjas Knuckle Up
Brief Synopsis
Cast & Crew
Sang Okk Sheen
Crystle Lightning
Donald L Shanks
Selina Jayne
Eric Mansker
Todd Starks
Film Details
Technical Specs
The three Ninja brothers: Rocky, Colt, and Tum Tum find themselves drawn into a struggle between an American Indian tribe and a ruthless businessman who is illegally dumping toxic waste on tribal land.
Sang Okk Sheen
Crystle Lightning
Donald L Shanks
Selina Jayne
Eric Mansker
Todd Starks
Wayne Collins
Jeff Cadiente
Nick Ramus
Jamie Melissa Gunderson
Michael Hungerford
Victor Wong
Michael Treanor
Gary Epper
Don Stark
Patrick Kilpatrick
Erin Treanor
Danuel Pipoly
Scott Macdonald
Max Elliot Slade
Amanda Nicole Power
Stuart Grant
Chad Power
Kait Lyn Mathews
Pat Van Ingen
Ted Pitsis
Donal Logue
Dennis Holahan
Sheldon Peters Wolfchild
Cathy Perry
Charles Napier
Vincent Schiavelli
Phil Adams
John Alden
Tom Amelotte
Devor Atles
Brian Edward Avery
Rick Avery
Chuck Baker
Buddy Banner
Joe Barnett
Joe Barnett
Joe Barnett
Julia Bartholomew
Sandy Berumen
Brad Billington
Simone Boisseree
Jeff Bornstein
Kenny Bosse
Carla Bowen
Dan Bradley
John Branagan
Phil Brandes
Paul Brinkman
Felicia Hatcher Brown
Hunter Brown
Kurt Bryant
Bobby Burns
Dave Cadiente
Steve Callahan
Keith Campbell
David Carlton
Dawn Carroll
Nancy Cassett
Mike Cassidy
Richard Cetrone
Kirsten Chalker
Martha Chang
Doc D Charbonneau
Cindera Che
Mark Hunshik Choi
Pamela Choules
Billy Colbert
Sound Prod Coley
Eugene Collier
Jerry Conger
Monty Cox
Daniel Cruder
Phil Culotta
Brian Davis
Don Day
Laura Deluisa
Maria Doest
Ginnie Durden
Charlie Dursen
Ernest Edgerton
Rod Ellis
Vicki Ellis
Richard Epper
William Erickson
Louie Escobar
Dane Farwell
Paulette Fox
Nicola Galye
Ben Ganger
Mike Gardley
Grant Garrison
Ginger Geary
Suzanne Geary-angel
Andy Gill
Jack Gill
Larry Glover
Mac Gordon
Al Goto
Kathy Grieb
Michael Gulbin
Mitch Gulbin
Michael Haines
Russ Hale
Tim Hannon
Scott Harris
Jeff Harvey
Dean Hayasaka
Cynthia Hernandez
Scillia A Hernandez
Jim Holley
Sean Holton
Anna Houser
Donna Jacklosky
Mark R Jackson
Launi Jocsing
Keii Johnson
Al Jones
Brett Jones
Clint E Jones
Leeland Jones
Melvin Jones
Steve Joyner
James Kang
Charles Kanganis
Charlie Kao
June Karz
Darcy Kaye
Tod Keller
Alex Sangok Kim
Christy Kim
Tony King
Alex Klabukov
Matt Kocher
Steve Kovalesky
Maili Lafayette
Randy Lamb
Gene Lebell
Eric Leisher
Fritz Lieber
Clint Lilley
Wang-chang Lin
Gary Littlejohn
James Logan
Ray Lykins
Bill Macintosh
Jerry Mackey
Pat Macklin
Eric Mansker
Barbu Marian
Tommy Marquez
Erik Mart
Chris Martinez
Kevin Mccarthy
Kevin M Mccarthy
Sandra Mccarthy
Dallas Mcdancer
Dwayne Mcgee
Brian Mcmillan
Joyce Mcneal
Chris Milani
Anna Miller
Eric Miller
Rhonda Miller
Michiko Moorehead
Lysa Moser
Andrew Napell
Larry Nicholas
Yoshi Nushida
Tom O'mara
Jill O'neill
Gary Oberst
Christine Onesky
Brad Orrison
Mark Orrison
Jimmy Ortega
Albert Park
Thomas B Park
Suzie Pelissier
Joe Perez
Bob Pfeiffer
Chuck Picerni Jr.
Denney Pierce
Rex Pierson
Peter Pilafian
Rick Ponce
Peter Popp
Lee Poppie
Don Pulford
Michael Ragsdale
Spiro Razatos
Skeeter Bill Robbins
Craig Roberts
Mario Roberts
Robby Robinson
Pat Romano
Thomas Rosales Jr.
Richard E Rosenthal
Lori Lynn Ross
Barry Rousey
Julia Ryan
Riki Lin Sabusawa
Lynn Salvatori
Timothy Sampson
Melisa Sanchez
Cari Schaefer
Tamara Schaus
Birgit Schier
Birgit Schier
Edwin Schiernecker
Jan Michael Schultz
Gary Stevan Scott
Paul Sherrod
Eugene Shlugleit
Eugene Shlugleit
Eric Small
William Smith
William Smith
William Smith
Brian Smrz
David F Solomon
Lev L Spiro
Picha Srisansanee
Erik Stabenau
Shirley Starks
Jeffrey D. Stevens
Stephen M Sturm
Film Details
Technical Specs
Vincent Schiavelli (1948-2005)
He was born on November 10, 1948 in Brooklyn, New York. After he studied acting at New York University's School of the Arts, he quickly landed a role in Milos Foreman's Taking Off (1971), and his career in the movies seldom dropped a beat. Seriously, to not recognize Schiavelli's presence in a movie or television episode for the last 30 years means you don't watch much of either medium, for his tall, gawky physique (a towering 6'6"), droopy eyes, sagging neck skin, and elongated chin made him a casting director's dream for offbeat and eccentric parts.
But it wasn't just a striking presence that fueled his career, Schiavelli could deliver the fine performances. Foreman would use him again as one of the mental ward inmates in One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest (1975); and he was hilarious as the put-upon science teacher, Mr. Vargas in Fast Times at Ridgemont High (1982); worked for Foreman again as Salieri's (F. Murray Abraham's) valet in Amadeus (1984); unforgettable as an embittered subway ghost who taunts Patrick Swayze in Ghost (1990); downright creepy as the brooding organ grinder in Batman Returns (1992); worked with Foreman one last time in The People vs. Larry Flynt (1996); and was a dependable eccentric in Death to Smoochy (2002). Television was no stranger to him either. Although he displayed a gift for comedy playing Latka's (Andy Kaufman) confidant priest, "Reverend Gorky" in a recurring role of Taxi, the actor spent much of his time enlivening shows of the other worldly variety such as Star Trek: The Next Generation, Tales from the Crypt, The X Files, and Buffy the Vampire Slayer.
In recent years, Schiavelli curtailed the acting, and concentrated on writing. He recently relocated to the Sicilian village of Polizzi Generosa, where his grandparents were raised. He concentrated on his love of cooking and in 2002, wrote a highly praised memoir of his family's history as well as some cooking recipes of his grandfather's titled Many Beautiful Things. He is survived by two children.
by Michael T. Toole

Vincent Schiavelli (1948-2005)
Miscellaneous Notes
Released in United States Spring March 10, 1995
Expanded Release in United States March 17, 1995
Released in United States on Video July 25, 1995
Sequel to "3 Ninjas" (USA/1992) and "3 Ninjas Kick Back" (USA/1994).
Began shooting June 29, 1992.
Released in United States Spring March 10, 1995
Expanded Release in United States March 17, 1995
Released in United States on Video July 25, 1995