Brief Synopsis
Cast & Crew
Tom Holland
Robert John Burke
Joe Mantegna
Lucinda Jenney
Michael Constantine
John D Kretschmer
Film Details
Technical Specs
A prominent member of local society, Billy Halleck is self-conscious about his waistline, but his extra pounds don't slow him down in the courtroom, where his latest triumph is to win the acquittal--and gratitude--of Mafioso Richie Ginelli. His weakness for food, however, inspires a terrible curse that is placed on him after he negligently, though accidentally, runs down an old Gypsy woman and conspires with influential friends to sidestep responsibility for the deed. Billy may have evaded punishment in the courts, but he can't escape justice at the hands of the victim's ancient father, Tadzu Lempke, who lays a Gypsy curse on him that shrivels not only his body but his heart as well. As Billy begins to waste away, he pleads with Ginelli to help him force Lempke to life the curse. The gangster's brutal way of dealing with Lempke and his fellow Gypsies, however, pushes the increasingly emaciated Billy farther down the path of spiritual decay.
Robert John Burke

Joe Mantegna
Lucinda Jenney
Michael Constantine
John D Kretschmer
Peter Maloney
Terrence Kava
Mitchell Greenberg
Bridget Marks
Sam Freed
Howard Erskine
Michael Kevin Walker
Antonette Schwartzberg
Sean Hewitt
Jeff Ware
Kari Wuhrer
Robert Fitch
John Horton
Josh Holland
Time Winters
Daniel Von Bargen
Ruth Miller
Irma St. Paule
Adriana Delphine
Stephen King
Walter Bobbie
Allelon Ruggiero
Angela Pietropinto
Randy Jurgensen
Elizabeth Franz
Bethany Joy Lenz
Terrence Garmey
Patrick Farrelly
Ed Wheeler
Michelle Anderson
Pete Anthony
Pete Anthony
Aldo Antonelli
Diana Austin
Zoltan Barany
Frank Barone
Joseph E Bates
Linda Benevente-notaro
Laurence Bennett
Nicholas Bernstein
Louis Bertini
Michael Biggie
Roland Blancaflor
Stanley Bochner
Robert Eli Bodford
Mark Boley
David Bondelevitch
Anna Bonn
Joey Box
Eric Boyle
Nina Bradford
Douglas J Brown
Jennifer Browynn
Carly Brullo-niles
Michael Budrewicz
Diane Burke
David Burnett
Gary Burritt
Shawna Callahan
Greg Cannom
Steven Caouette
Jay Caputo
Brian Carmichael
Alan Caso
Lou Cerborno
Tom Chilton
Joey Chitwood
Joseph Cirillo
Chris Clarisse
Chris Cobb
Robin Cobb
Stephen Cobb
Rick Coffee
Stephen Collins
Stephen Collins
Wil J Collins
Dave Coronella
Fred Cramer
Cheryl Cravedi
Bud Davis
W Russell Davis
David Dawes
Daryl Dejoy
Pam Demetruis
Mark Dillon
Larry Donahue
Gerald Donlan
Robert Draper
Michael Dunn
Stephen Earnhart
Bob Edmenson
Beate Eisele
Ken Estes
Harriet Fidlow
Leonard Finger
Thom Floutz
Kristi Frankenheimer-davis
Mitchell Galin
Anthony M Gargiulo
Robert Garrett
Doug Gilmore
Audry Goetz
Myla Goldberg
Larry Goodwin
Jeff Graham
Michael G Green
R Anthony Grippo
Vincent J. Guastini
Tony Guida
Thomas A Gulino
Angela Hajianis
David Halderman
Mzehael J Hall
Brenda J Hampton
Joe Hanna
Glen Hanz
Shannon Hart
Motoyoshi Hata
Michael Haynes
Eric Heal
Scott Hersh
Elizabeth Holder
Monette Holderer
Tom Holland
Julia Holmes
Dustin Huber
Bill Jacob
Simon James
George Jenson
Shari Schwartz Johanson
Candice Johnson
Mike Jones
Randy Jurgensen
Jim Kagel
Pamela Nedd Kahn
Joseph Kearney
Shelly Keiser
Mick Kelly
Stephen F. Kesten
Stephen F. Kesten
Mark Kilian
Richard King
Stephen King
Bonnie Kinney
Sarco Kirklian
Louis Kiss
Stephanie Klapper
Warren Kleiman
Sherry Klein
Ronald Kline
William Kohout
Isabelle Kostic-crosley
Michael M Krevitt
Christopher J Kristoff
Jon Kull
Bob Laden
Jamie Lagerhausen
A. Welch Lambeth
Marc Laub
Linda Lazar
David B Leener
Renate Leuschner
Hal Levinsohn
Philip D Levy
Daniel Licht
Daniel Licht
Alan Lieberman
Adam Lipsius
Evan Lottman
Ralph Love
M. J. Magbanua
Paul Mancuso
Michael O Martin
Robert Martini
Neal Martz
Sean Mccarron
Conor Mccullagh
Michael Mcdowell
Jay Meagher
Chris Miller
Morgan Miller
Michael W. Mitchell
Michael Moyer
Bill Myatt
Yevette Nabel
Morgan A Neville
Ha Nguyen
Randall Nicholas
Robert Nichols
Cristine Nicholson
Peggy Nicholson
David A North
Jonathan Norton
David Nougaret
Gardiner O'kain
Larry Odien
Brad Orrison
Donald Paiton
Onofrio Pansini
Chuck Parker
Amy Pearson
Timothy Pearson
Bernie Pock
Anne Pope
Mario F Presterone
Carrie Puchkoff
Celest Ray
Ryan Read
Rhonda Reznick
Todd Woody Richman
Chris Rogers
Steven D Romeiro
Tricia Ronten
Lisa M Rowe
Carmine Rubino
Manya Rubinstein
Richard P Rubinstein
Lynn Salvatori
Jill Schachne
M J Schepers
Ron Schlaeger
Steve Sheridan
William F Sheridan
Ian Silverstein
Tracy Skillin
Randall J Smith
Stuart Sperling
Kevin Squires
Eric Stabenau
Film Details
Technical Specs
Miscellaneous Notes
Released in United States Fall October 25, 1996
Released in United States on Video May 20, 1997
Stephen King originally published the novel under the pseudonym Richard Bachman.
Began shooting August 16, 1995.
Completed shooting November 6, 1995.
Released in United States on Video May 20, 1997
Released in United States Fall October 25, 1996