I Dreamed of Africa
Brief Synopsis
Cast & Crew
Hugh Hudson
Kim Basinger
Vincent Perez
Liam Aiken
Garrett Strommen
Eva Marie Saint
Film Details
Technical Specs
If you had a chance to pick up, leaving everything you knew and trusted behind, for a completely new life filled with exotic surroundings, unimaginable hardships and unknowable danger, would you do it? Kuki Gallman, a beautiful, inquisitive woman, escapes her comfortable yet monotonous life in Italy to start anew in the wilds of Africa with her son Emanuele and her new husband Paolo. Though first in awe of the incredible power of nature and the sense of freedom in the wild countryside, Kuki soon discovers that life in rural Africa is not a fairy tale existence. Wild elephants and lions roam the land unhindered; devastating storms destroy all in their path; and desperate poachers ruthlessly murder endangered animals. Yet through the most trying of setbacks, Kuki emerges resilient, filled with strength and desire to take life on lovingly and fearlessly.
Hugh Hudson
Kim Basinger
Vincent Perez
Liam Aiken
Garrett Strommen

Eva Marie Saint
Daniel Craig
Lance Reddick
Connie Chiume
James Ngcobo
Joko Scott
Sabelo Ngobese
Zacharia Phali
Nick Boraine
Susan Danford
Ian Robert
Susan Monteregge
Jessica Perritt
Steven Jennings
Patrick Lyster
Winston Ntshona
John Carson
Shannon Esrechowitz
Michael Brosnihan
Theo Landey
Nick Lorentz
Valeria Cavalli
Allison Daugherty
Paolo Lorimer
Federico Scribani Rossi
Sophie Hayden
Giselda Volodi
Daniela Foa
Nathi Khunene
Patrick Bokaba
Dominic Dimba
Ernest Ndlovu
Patrick Mofokeng
Kenneth Kambule
Rayburn Sengwayo
Emma Vaughan Jones
Dixie Cornell
Frances Slabolepszy
Frances Nacman
Nadine Maharaj
Brigitte Fassbaender
Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra
Michaela Kaune
George Acogny
Phil Adams
Jonathan Allen
Philip Alton
Shaheen Baig
Terry Bamber
Jonathan Benson
Stanley Brossette
Laura Cappato
Inti Carboni
Grant Carr
Jack Carter
Jo Casserley
Guido Cerasuolo
Digo Chant
Ed Colyer
Luke Cornell
Jason Costelloe
Lorenzo Da Ponte
Graham Daniel
Matthew Desorgher
Jeannine Dominy
Brent Dowe
Mike Dowson
Dina Eaton
Dale Edwards
Egon Endrenyi
Jane English
Jaco Espach
Frank Farian
Sue Field
Antony Ford
Ian Fuller
Kuki Gallmann
Kuki Gallmann
Mitch Gordon
Rhona Gordon
Lucinda Gould
Maggie Gray
Pauline Griffiths
Tarn Harper
David Harris
Mike Higham
Sally Hilton
Elizabeth Himelstein
Simon Hume
Peter Hunt
Stanley R. Jaffe
Maurice Jarre
Mark Joubert
Gene Kelly
Istvan Kertesz
Christopher Lloyd
Derek Lomas
Bernard Lutic
Doris Lutz
Keith Mason
William Masuku
Delbert Mcclinton
Pat Mccorkle
James A Mcnaughton
Ray Merrin
Boniface Mganga
Boniface Mganga
Paula Milne
Ishmael Moeng
Johannes Mokonyama
Massimo Monico
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
Caroline Noble
Mike O'farrell
Donna O'neal
Ayub Ogada
Ayub Ogada
Geoffrey Oryema
Geoffrey Oryema
Penelope Perry
Grahame Peters
Richard Pointing
Patsy Pollock
Sam Putter
Alistair Rae
George Reyam
Jay Roberts
Patrick Russ
Shirley Russell
Lance Samuels
Andrew Sanders
Michael Saxton
Christa Schamberger
John D Schofield
Ben Scott
Elliot Sewape
Alan Shearer
Susan Shilliday
Ronnie Specter
Clive Stafford
Allyn Stewart
Mitch Stone
Richard Strauss
Ruth Sullivan
Mark Taylor
Scott Thomas
Scott Thomas
Laura Ullyett
Joseph Von Eichendorff
Jason White
Arthur Wicks
Jerry Lynn Williams
Clive Winter
Marc Wolff
Yvonne Yaconelli
Film Details
Technical Specs
Miscellaneous Notes
Released in United States Spring May 5, 2000
Released in United States on Video August 29, 2000
Released in United States on Video September 29, 2000
Based on the life story of Kuki Gallmann, an Italian expatriate who became a leading wildlife advocate in Africa.
Began shooting August 29, 1998.
Completed shooting November 20, 1998.
Released in United States Spring May 5, 2000
Released in United States on Video August 29, 2000
Released in United States on Video September 29, 2000