Getting Away With Murder
Brief Synopsis
Cast & Crew
Harvey Miller
Doug O'keeffe
Helen Taylor
Nicholas Pasco
Bobbie Battista
Eleanor Clift
Film Details
Technical Specs
Professor Jack Lambert who lives a peaceful, quiet life is stunned when the media proclaims that his kindly old next door neighbor Max Mueller is really SS Colonel Karl Luger, a notorious Nazi war criminal nicknamed the Beast of Berkau. Naturally, Mueller and his dutiful daughter Inga insist it's a case of mistaken identity. His lawyers promise to tie up the case in the courts for years, allowing Mueller to live out his life in peace next door to Jack who is outraged by the prospect. He decides that it is morally unacceptable for the Nazi to get away with murder and although killing him would be wrong, it is the lesser of two evils and therefore the ethical choice. So Jack murders his Nazi neighbor. Then newly discovered German war files uncovered in an East German archive prove conclusively that the man murdered for being Karl Luger was really Max Mueller, a lowly cook in the German army. Jack has killed an innocent man. Ashamed and guilt ridden, Jack decides he must atone for his crimes.
Harvey Miller
Doug O'keeffe
Helen Taylor
Nicholas Pasco
Bobbie Battista
Eleanor Clift
Rino Romano
Michael Yerex
Dan Aykroyd

Lily Tomlin
Jillian Hirasawa
Heather Kahn
Richard Liss
Brian Kerwin
John Mclaughlin
Ryan Moon
Brett Moon
Jacqueline Klein
Roy Hobbs
Jerry Savoy
Damon D'oliveira
Diane Douglass
Jerry Adler
Thomas Mitchell
Kathleen Marshall
Judy Sinclair
Dick Callahan
Morton Kondracke
Colleen Reynolds
Richard Blackburn
Fred Barnes
Brian Kennington

Jack Lemmon
Marissa Chibas
Anne-marie Macdonald
Bonnie Hunt
Jamie Harrold
Susan Forristal
Luke Costello
Janet Land
J C Quinn
Andy Romano
Robert Morgenroth
Mary Ann Coles
'humble Howard' Glassman
Kerry Macdonald
Robert Fields
Johnie Chase
Caroline Yeager
Jack Jessup
Jon Korkes
Victor Chan
Kevin Frank
Herb Lovelle
Camille James-adams
Alex Appel
Ron Hartman
Gabriel Regev
Wayne Robson
Bernard Shaw
Elliot Abbott
Chip Almond
James Ashwill
Phil Azelton
Rudy Baccuchi
Fred Barnes
Pamela Winn Barnett
David Bartlett
Ginny Bartlik
Bobbie Battista
Frank Bennett
Eric Bergman
Richard Bernstein
Ute Berthold
Sarah Bonebrake
Frederic W. Brost
Michael Brownstone
Percy Budd
Cori Burchell
Stephen Butson
Stephen Cartotto
Chris Champion
Pat Chapman
Eleanor Clift
Johnny Cochrane
Stacey Coker
Janet Colleti
Gail Compeau
James Coppella
Anthony Costa
Carolyn Cox
Marion Crane
Rod Crombie
Patrick Cyccone Jr.
Michelle Dalton
Robert Daprato
Susanna David
Sandy De Crescent
John Debney
John Debney
Brad Dechter
Linda Demarco
Tracey A Doyle
Jay Duboisson
Gordon Eldridge
Tony Eldrige
Henri Fiks
Paula Fleet
Candide Franklyn
Leigh French
Douglas Ganton
Judy Gellman
Jeffrey Ginn
Rick Giovinazzo
Avram D Gold
Eric Goldman
Wayne Goodchild
Neil Gover
Eleanor Grand
Gary Grey
Joseph Gutowski
James Halpenny
Michael J Harker
Shane Harvey
Janice Hayen
Ron Hewitt
Tim Hilts
Roy Hobbs
Will Hoddinott
Eric Holmes
John Hulsman
J W Hurtubise
Doug Ingle
Roy Irvine
Alison Jones
Elmer Jones
Irene Kent
Larry Kenton
Chris Klatman
Inge Klaudi
Kaz Kobielski
Morton Kondracke
James Krauter
Matthew Lammerich
David Lee
Nava Levin
Eric Lindemann
Tony Lucibello
Ryan Luithly
Jn Maccammon
Frank Macchia
Aleida Macdonald
Ray Macmillan
Martin Malivoire
Danny Marjanovich
Genya Marko
Penny Marshall
Gary Marullo
John Mclaughlin
Mara Mcsweeny
Sanjay Mehta
Tal Meirson
Gus Meunier
Jill Meyers
Harvey Miller
Ross Mirsky
Oscar Mitt
Neil Montgomerie
Jay Moore
Len Morganti
Robert Morgenroth
Robert Morgenroth
Danny Murphy
Lesley Myers
Don Nemitz
Roberta Newman
Richard Nord
Dan O'connell
Jennifer O'halloran
Brian O'hara
Joe Padro
Trisha Papas
Richard Parker
Colin Paul
Nicole Pauli
Harry Pavelson
Doug Potts
Frank Price
Tammy Quinn-clark
Branko Racki
Roberto Ramacciotti
Caryn Rasmussen
Christopher Raucamp
Randi Richmond
Vic Rigler
Richard D Rogers
Harry Ross
Randy S Ross
Greg Rubidge
Dan Savant
Jerry Savoy
Bernard Shaw
Gail Sicilia
Kerry Spurrell
Andrew Stearn
Greg Steele
Jann Stefoff
Ron Stermac
Cindy Stevenson
Vesna Svilanovic
Frank Tenaglia
Robert Tenaglia
Frank Tidy
Frank Tidy
Brian Travers
Tami Treadwell
Reynald Trudel
Pat Valentino
Yad Vashem
Steven Venezia
Marvin Walowitz
Ken Wannberg
Schwanz Weiss
David A. Whittaker
Seth Wittner
David J Woods
Deborah Wozniak
Richard Young
Pnina Zilberman
Susan Zima
Film Details
Technical Specs
Miscellaneous Notes
Limited Release in United States April 12, 1996
Released in United States on Video August 13, 1996
Released in United States Spring April 12, 1996
Began shooting May 30, 1994.
Completed shooting August 12, 1994.
Limited Release in United States April 12, 1996
Released in United States Spring April 12, 1996
Released in United States on Video August 13, 1996