The Beach
Brief Synopsis
Cast & Crew
Danny Boyle
Leonardo Dicaprio
Virginie Ledoyen
Tilda Swinton
Robert Carlyle
Guillaume Canet
Film Details
Technical Specs
In an age when all sensation seems to come digitally via the cell phone, video screen, pager and Internet, a young American backpacker named Richard yearns to experience something real. Arriving in Thailand with adventure on his mind, Richard rents a cheap hotel room in Bangkok where he meets an alluring French couple and Daffy, an old traveler ravaged by years of sun and drug abuse. Rambling and paranoid, Daffy tells Richard a tale of a secret island which he claims is a real paradise on Earth. The next day Richard finds a hand-drawn map pinned to his door of the island decribed by Daffy. When he seeks out Daffy, he finds him dead with his wrists slashed. Richard promptly persuades the French couple to find the beach and its secret community of travelers whose lives, on the surface, appear perfect and peaceful. However, Richard will soon learn what he has found is no paradise.
Danny Boyle

Leonardo Dicaprio
Virginie Ledoyen

Tilda Swinton
Robert Carlyle
Guillaume Canet
Daniel York
Patcharawan Patarakijjanon
Somboon Phutaroth
Weeratham Wichairaksakul
Jak Boon
Peter Youngblood Hills
Jerry Swindall
Krongthong Thampradith
Abhijati Jusakul
Sanya Cheunjit
Kanueng Kenla
Kawee Sirikanerat
Somkuan Siroon
Paterson Joseph
Zelda Tinska
Victoria Smurfit
Daniel Caltagirone
Peter Gevisser
Lars Arentz Hansen
Lidija Zovkic
Samuel Gough
Staffan Kihlbom
Jukka Hiltunen
Magnus Lindgren
Myriam Acharki
Andrew Carmichael
Josh Cole
Helene De Fougerolles
Bindu De Stoppani
Stacy Hart
Nina Jacques
Sheriden Jones
Gunilla Karlson
Sian Martin
Isabella Seibert
Elizabeth Thomas
Michael Thorpe
Timothy Webster
Ramon Woolfe
Saskia Mulder
Simone Huber
Raweeporn Srimonju
Somchai Santitharangkul
Frank Ricotti
David Arch
Stacy A Hart
Christopher Ackland
Hugo Adams
Barry Adamson
Barry Adamson
Phil Allchin
Jutiporn Aranyaputi
Janpen Artayakul
Richard Ashcroft
Marc Asmode
Angelo Badalamenti
Angelo Badalamenti
Angelo Badalamenti
Danny Bailey
Peter Baldock
David Balfour
Teera Banditwong
Neil Barnes
Ray Barrett
Rhodes Barton
Clive Beard
Ardy Beezemer
Carey Berlin
Paula Borham
Joey Box
Marc Boyle
Bob Bridges
Stuart Bridges
Robin Brigham
Judy Britten
Annette Brown
Denton Brown
Jocelyn Brown
Peter Browne
Penchan Buranasamut
Jo Burn
John Cale
Steve Challenor
Suriya Chaowanich
Narong Charoensuk
Charn Chatpatumthong
Andrt Chemetoff
Cornel Chin
Jesada Chitchaseon
Sanong Chomtha
Orapin Chuenchom
Sujin Chumnina
Sarah Clark
Glenda Clarke
Nicola Clarke
Richard Clarke
Clem Clempson
Tom Clode
Ian Coffey
Marlon Cole
Gary Connery
Charles Cottrell
Mark Coulier
Dayne Cowan
Fred Crawford
Luke Cresswell
Steve Cullane
Adam Dale
Paul Daley
Adam Daniel
Graham Daniel
John Davey
Peter Davey
William Davies
J Davis
Steve Davis
Elaine Dawson
Adrian De Wet
Tabitha Dean
Michael Douglas
Kate Dowd
Richard Ducker
Maureen Duff
Robert Duncan
Arthur Dunne
Jack Dyer
Penny Dyer
Usarawadee Eamsakul
Polly Earnshaw
Jamie Edgell
Louis Elman
Woradet Em-eam
Darren Emerson
Brian Eno
Doctor Timothy Evans
Shaun Evans
Kathy Ewings
Ricky Eyres
Robert Farr
Ian Fellows
Stan Fiferman
Steve Finn
Gordon Fitzgerald
Rachael Fleming
Johnny Fontana
Geoff Foster
Glenn Freemantle
Susan French
Alex Garland
Alex Garland
Alex Garland
Alex Garland
Wattana Garum
Ben Georgiades
Cyril Gibbons
Adam Glasman
Dan Glass
Bill Glesne
Louis Glickman
Sally Goldberg
Christopher Goodwin
Ruth Greenberg
Darrel Griffin
Isobel Griffiths
Sian Grigg
Pateeya Gunsrivieng
Graham Hall
Kittiwat Hanprab
Kevin Harris
Jeerapa Hasachai
Nick Heckstall-smith
Masahiro Hirakubo
John Hodge
Jan Hogevold
Tom Holkenberg
Nipon Hongsithipong
Daren Horley
Max Hoskins
Eunice Huthart
Karl Hyde
Karl Hyde
Doctor Nick Imm
Junix Inocian
Jake Jackson
Yothin Jaiboon
Pitak Janvijit
Natta Janyersiri
Duncan Jarman
Boriboon Jarurongkawatana
Sallie Jaye
Maxi Jazz
Steve John
Bobbie Johnson
Drew Jones
Jenny Jones
Somjai Jonmoontee
Bea Julakasiun
Hilary Julian
Lance Julian
Sharlan Julian
David Kahne
Vasu Kantatham
Mory Kante
Mory Kante
Chris Kay
Michael Kay
Po Ketkorn
Kris Khanchanaphet
Darius Khondji
Chanin Kitiwongsunti
Saipin Kitsuban
Vernice Klier
Paul Knight
Adun La-ong-orn
Suttirat Larlarb
Andy Lee
Shaznay Lewis
Khanayutt Lhamlhe
Banchong Limtong
Peter Lindsay
Siobhan Lo
Roz Lowrie
Yvan Lucas
Andrew Macdonald
Wil Malone
Tippawan Mamanee
Bob Marley
David Marsh
Phil Marshall
Phil Marshall
Justin Martin
Brett Matthews
Andrew Mcalpine
Gerard Mccann
Callum Mcdougall
Rod Mclean
David Meeking
Suzanne Melvoin
John C Merrill
Ray Merrin
Nigel Mills
Mike Milne
Chris Monks
Zoe Morgan
Andrew Mossman
Peter Mountain
Film Details
Technical Specs
Miscellaneous Notes
Released in United States Winter February 11, 2000
Released in United States on Video July 25, 2000
Released in United States February 2000
Shown at Berlin International Film Festival (in competition) February 9-20, 2000.
Leonardo DiCaprio reportedly received $20 million for the lead role.
Leonardo DiCaprio reportedly received $20 million for the lead role.
Began shooting January 18, 1999.
Completed shooting April 24, 1999.
Released in United States Winter February 11, 2000
Released in United States on Video July 25, 2000
Released in United States February 2000 (Shown at Berlin International Film Festival (in competition) February 9-20, 2000.)