Burn, Hollywood, Burn
Brief Synopsis
Cast & Crew
Arthur Hiller
Harvey Weinstein
Shane Black
Mc Lite
Eric Idle
Robin Chivers
Film Details
Technical Specs
A pseudo-documentary about a fictional British, first-time director named Alan Smithee who is hired to direct an action film starring Sylvester Stallone, Whoopi Goldberg and Jackie Chan. He hates the film, the budget has ballooned to a whopping $315 million, and he wants to have his name removed, but the Directors Guild mandates that the pseudonym in such a situation must be "Alan Smithee."

Arthur Hiller
Harvey Weinstein
Shane Black
Mc Lite

Eric Idle
Robin Chivers
Gavin Polone
Jackie Chan
Robin Dugger
Linnell Shapiro
Lisa Canning
Dina Waters
Cheri Lunghi

Sylvester Stallone
Earl Kim Shiroma
Erik King
Suli Mccullough
Victor Drai

Robert Evans
Brent Shapiro
Larry King
Billy Bob Thornton
Jim Piddock
Jeremy Baka
Stephen Tobolowsky
Nicole Nagel
Naomi Campbell
Billy Barty
Sandra Bernhard
Leslie Segar
Naomi Eszterhas

Norman Jewison
Dominick Dunne
Robert Littman
Peter Bart

Ryan O'neal
Leslie Stefanson
Stanley Ralph Ross
Joe Eszterhas

Whoopi Goldberg
Chris Kelley
Jesse Rambis
Doug Walker
John Corcoran
Carlton Ridenhour
Duane Davis
Alan F Smith
Richard Jeni
Marianne Muellerleile
Gary Franklin
Marcello Thedford
Grant Shapiro
Robert Shapiro
Hideo Kimura
Mario Machado
Mark Albertson
Daril Alder
Kate Amer
Kim Andrew
Albert Aquino
Newton Arnold
Sam Arroyo
Jeremy Baka
Jeremy Baka
Jeremy Baka
Jeremy Baka
Melanie J Baker
Sandy M Balek
Peter Bart
Kevin Bartnof
Billy Barty
Mychael Bates
Laura Cunningham Bauer
Caroline Beecham
Michael Belpedio
Shane Black
Diana Blake
Adam Bliebtreu
Gary Blufer
Robert Bonar
Felipe Borrero
Rocky Bradbury
Gary Bradford
Bob Bradshaw
John Bramley
Eric Bretter
Luis Brito
Dr. Joyce Brothers
Richard Buoen
Paula Burnett
T-bone Burnett
Jeanie Buss
Steven Butcher
Jeanne Byrd
Kelly Cabral
Lisa Canning
Kevin E Carpenter
Fred Caruso
Fred Caruso
John Casino
Carlos Chairen
Kevin Chambers
Jackie Chan
Richard Cheung
Robert Cheung
Richard Chirco
Robin Chivers
Gary Clark
Gardner Cole
Bill Condit
Jay Conner
Jay Conner
Pam Connor
John Corcoran
Cristin Cornett
Richard Corwin
Jeanne Cowan
Mark Cuddy
Stone Dash
Gray Davis
Mark Deallessandro
James L Depue
Marc Deschaine
Laverne Dewberry
Claudette Didul
Joe Divitale
Swamp Dogg
Victor Drai
Robin Dugger
Dominick Dunne
Jerry Edemann
Darren Edwards
Stephen Edwards
Stephen Edwards
Donna Ekins
Joe Eszterhas
Joe Eszterhas
Joe Eszterhas
Naomi Eszterhas
Naomi Eszterhas
Robert Evans
John Michael Fanaris
Mike Fantasia
K D Firth
Ann Foley
Jeffrey Foskett
K Foskett
Nancy Foy
Gary Franklin
Robert Friedman
Frank A Fuller
Gary G-wiz
Gary G-wiz
Joel Diamond Galaxy
Harry Garvin
Harry Garvin
Craig Gentry
Patricia Glaser
Julie Glick
Shawn Glyde
Whoopi Goldberg
John P. Goldsmith
Eric Gotthelf
Rick Gowing
Ron Grafton
Mark Green
Richard Green
Denis Griesmer
Peter Griffith
Jay Guerra
Jeffrey J. Haboush
Josh Hakian
Keith Hanes
Joe Hanna
Tabby Hanson
Paul Harding
Brian Hargrove
Barbara Harris
Steven Hawley
Justin Henderson
John Lee Hooker
John Lee Hooker
Laura Hoover
Frank Howson
Frank Howson
Walter Huse
Ramey Idriss
Scott Inbody
Tito Jackson
Kyle Jason
Kathleen Jensen
Norman Jewison
Arik Johnson
Meng Johnson
Bobby L Jones
Woody Kane
Ann Karlin
Aaron Katz
David Katz
Chris Kelley
Ken Kells
Larry King
Dawn Kratofil
Michelle Kuznetsky
Bonnie Kyle
Steve Lambert
Dave Lang
Canny Langer
L James Langlois
John Lee
Scott Leftridge
Greg Lipari
Helen Lothian
Greg Lynch
Mario Machado
Stash Maleski
Milcho Manchevski
Eleni Mandell
Dean G Manly
Marcus Manton
Dan March
Blake Marion
Denver Mattson
John Maxwell
Tamika Mccleuland
Lisa Mccullough
Sean Mcdermott
Randy Mellison
Chad Merrick
Gordie Merrick
Michael Merrick
Charlie Messenger
Trish Messenger
Nancy Montgomery
Nancy Montgomery
Ronnie Morgan
Marilyn Munro
Chris Murray
Deon Murray
Ben Myron
Rupert Nadeau
Steven Nelson
Steven Nelson
Steven F. Nelson
Margo Newman
Bach Nguyen
M O'rourke
Julie Oborne
Robin Oliver
Dave Orgin
Mike Osorio
Deborah J Page
James H Pair
Anthony D. Parillo
Ashlee Petersen
Film Details
Technical Specs
Miscellaneous Notes
Released in United States Winter February 27, 1998
Released in United States on Video August 18, 1998
Released in United States October 1997
Shown at Mill Valley Film Festival (Opening Night) October 2-12, 1997.
Milcho Manchevski was previously attached to direct.
Released in USA on video under the title "An Alan Smithee Film: Burn, Hollywood, Burn."
Completed shooting January 21, 1997.
Began shooting November 13, 1996.
Arthur Hiller has removed his name from the film and directing credited will be attributed to the pseudonym Alan Smithee.
The entire film is comprised of staged interviews filmed in a documentary style.
Alan Smithee is the pseudonym traditionally used by directors who want their real name removed from the credits.
The first two films to use the pseudonym Alan Smithee were "Fade-In" (1968) directed by Jud Taylor and "Death of a Gunfighter" (1969) directed by Robert Totten and finished by Don Siegel.
Released in United States Winter February 27, 1998
Released in United States on Video August 18, 1998
Released in United States October 1997 (Shown at Mill Valley Film Festival (Opening Night) October 2-12, 1997.)