Undercover Brother
Brief Synopsis
Cast & Crew
Malcolm D. Lee
Darryl Jackson
Dave Pearce
Paul Rapovski
Mark Stephens
Gerry Brown
Film Details
Technical Specs
With a funky sense of style, a smooth way with the ladies and an absolute hunger for justice, Undercover Brother has lived by his own rules since the day he heard his first Parliament Funkadelic groove. Fueled by the funk, he became the man he is today--Robin Hood of the 'hood, ready to step in, give the downtrodden a hand and fight the powers-that-be. With his Bruce Lee moves, Cadillac attitude and an arsenal of outrageous disguises and gadgets, he is patiently waiting for that one really heavy mission. He known it's coming... A sinister underground movement has begun, unleashing a terrifying top-secret weapon: an irresistibly packaged psycho-hallucinogenic drug that will reduce the entire population to mindless zombies. However, a dedicated group of Good Guys, know as the B.R.O.T.H.E.R.H.O.O.D., has been tracking their activities and is now braced for a showdown. But they know that a fight this big means they must produce their own secret weapon: the one crime fighter cool enough to infiltrate the enemy on the streets or in between the sheets. And thus, Undercover Brother trades in his Afro, shades and platforms for khakis, horn-rims and penny loafers to pose as preppy nerd Anton Jackson at a multinational conglomerate. But while he and his sassy partner Sistah Sistah Girl try to find out What's Going On, the leader's ruthless right arm, Mr. Feather, discovers the conspiracy's sexy secret weapon, Penelope Snow.
Malcolm D. Lee
Darryl Jackson
Dave Pearce
Paul Rapovski
Mark Stephens
Gerry Brown
Hubert Laws
Gary Anthony Williams
Jenni Burke
David Sparrow
Peter Szkoda
L J Vasilantonakis
Layton Morrison
Neil Patrick Harris
Paul Jackson
Liz West
Darren Mcguire
Alex Al
Shauna Macdonald
Wah Wah Watson
Aunjanue Ellis
Eddie Griffin
Lee Smart
Doug Webb
Simon Reynolds
Wayne Downer
Enid-raye Adams
George Venckus
Troy Taylor
Dave Chappelle

Robert Townsend
James C Mathis
Keisha T Fraser
Nick Alachiotis
Randy Butcher
Tig Fong
Bryan Thomas
James Brown
Billy Dee Williams
Michael White
J.d. Hall
Oscar Brashear
George Duke
Chris Kattan
Jim O'connor
Marvin Kaye
Chi Mcbride
Bryan Renfro
Jack Noseworthy
Kenner Ames
Susie Spear
Greg Moore
Marco Bianco
Denise Richards
Ron Pardo
James Brown
Robert Trumbull
William S Taylor
Michael White
Gina Sorell
Bayo Akinfemi
Matt Allen
Steve Alterman
Kathy Altman
Mark Andrews
Amanda Anka
Buelent Aris
David Arnott
Kimberly Bailey
Andrea Baker
Roger Ball
Bobbi Banks
Monica Barraza
Lorrie Barth
Robert Bell
Ronald Bell
Frenchie Berger
Michael Bero
Paul Berta
Mike Billard
Martin Blasick
Michael Blecher
Mary J. Blige
Mary J. Blige
Alex Boothby
David Boulton
Paul Boulton
Donald Boyce
Fraser Boyle
Melvin Bradford
Jerome Brailey
Dana Bratton
Michelle Bridgman
C Broadus
Cameron Brooke
George Brown
James Brown
James Brown
Bucky Buckmaster
Michael Bunt
David Burk
Gary Burritt
Nathan J. Busch
Raymond Bushey
Anderson Byrd
John Byrne
Jeff Campbell
Carl Carlton
Chris Carpenter
Douglas Carr
Bill Carraro
Bill Carraro
Bryon Carson
Jeffrey Cassidy
Catherine Cavadini
Kevin Chandoo
Lanai Chapman
Ben Cheah
Rick Chefalas
Desmond Child
Billy D Choi
Pauline Chung
Stanley Clarke
Stanley Clarke
Stanley Clarke
Stanley Clarke
George Clinton Jr.
Jessica Clothier
David Cohen
Donald Colafranceschi
David Coles
Ron Coles
Bootsy Collins
Bootsy Collins
Marquis Collins
Nick Conti
Robin D. Cook
H. H. Cooper
Ciaran Copelin
Marko Costanzo
Toni Cottura
Graham Coutts
Django Craig
Bradley Crosbie
Jennifer Cross
Deb Crow
Lynn Culbertson
Anna Culp
Colin Cunningham
Mary Louise Cunningham
Reeve Currier
Greg Curtis
Greg Curtis
Phil Dakin
Karen Davis
Nicole Demers
John Demita
Dave Derry
Laverne Dewberry
Marco Di Flaviano
Jamie Dixon
Marc Dixon
Snoop Dogg
Cheryl Dookhan
Malcolm Duncan
Judi Durand
Syd Dutton
Inese Dzenis
Greg Edmunds
Michelle Eisenreich
Gordon Eldridge
Mike Elizondo
William A Elliott
Alfred James Ellis
Jorgen Eloffson
Tracy Fedak
Greg Finley
Fred Fitzpatrick
Peggy Flood
Willa Ford
David Foster
Ide Trease Foyle
Candide Franklyn
Candide Franklyn
Ross Fraser
Suzanne Friedline
Allan Galajda
Michael Galbraith
Sarra Gallagher
Kenneth Gamble
Douglas Ganton
John Gaskin
Michael D Gay
Michael Gelfand
Paul George
Daniel Gibson
Raymond Gieringer
Gerri Gillan
Kareen Glynn
Lewis Goldstein
Jeff Gomillion
Sonia Gonzalez
Hazel Gordon
Mishka Gorodnitzky
Alan Gorrie
Adrian Graham
Courtney Graham
Scott Graham
Elizabeth Gray
Brian Grazer
Bonnie Greenberg
Lori Greenberg
Eddie Griffin
Eddie Griffin
Nadia Guglieri
Duane Gullison
Rob Gyorgy
Craig Haagensen
Craig Haagensen
Craig Haagensen
Matt Haasch
Mike Hall
Ryan Halpenny
David Harcourt
Christine Hare
Michele Harney
Barbara Harris
Barbara Harris
Stanley Mark Harris
Donna R. Harrison
Mathew Hart
Mathew Hart
Kerry Hayes
Leon Haywood
Ira Hearshen
Gudrun Heinze
William Heslup
Ron Hewitt
Katherine Hill
Ryan Hintz
Ron Hobbs
John Hobson
Perry Hoffman
Eric Holmes
Leon Huff
Mike Hyde
Dianne Irving
Michael Jackson
Michael Jackson
James Jacobs
Rick James
Michael Jenkinson
Christine Johnson
Bruce Jones
Paul Jones
Camara Kambon
Fred Kamping
Irene Kassow
Dan Keeler
Tim Kelley
Film Details
Technical Specs
Miscellaneous Notes
Released in United States Summer May 31, 2002
Released in United States on Video January 14, 2003
John Ridley reportedly received $1,000,000 upfront for this project.
John Ridley reportedly received $1,000,000 upfront for this project.
Released in United States Summer May 31, 2002
Released in United States on Video January 14, 2003