Silent Fall
Brief Synopsis
Cast & Crew
Bruce Beresford
Richard Dreyfuss
Linda Hamilton
John Lithgow
J.t. Walsh
Ben Faulkner
Film Details
Technical Specs
A psychiatrist's passion for his work is renewed when he takes on a criminal case involving an autistic boy who was the sole witness to his parents' murder.

Bruce Beresford

Richard Dreyfuss
Linda Hamilton

John Lithgow
J.t. Walsh
Ben Faulkner
Liv Tyler
Zahn Mcclarnon
Brandon Stouffer
Treva Moniik King
John Mcgee
Ron Tucker
Catherine Shaffner
Heather M Bomba
Marianne M Bomba
Jane Beard
Mary Kate Law
Helen Hedman
Steven Burnette
Sean Baldwin
Jay Klein
John Alers
Niels Alpert
Michael Andreas
Sonny Aprile
Audrey Bamber
Steven Banks
Gary Barber
Frank Baron
Kevin Bartnof
Elizabeth Bell
Bill W Benton
Adam Beresford
Lynn Bigelow
Kathryn Bihr
David Bomba
Robin Bonifant
Stan Boulden
Jeff Bown
Steve Boyd
Steven M Boyd
Roger Butt
Kerry Carmean
George Carmen
Chris Carpenter
Zane Cassidy
Linwood Children's Center
Gail Clark
Jeff Clark
Kevin Lee Clark
Ardis Cohen
Elaine S Cohen
Christopher Conner
Stewart Copeland
Ian Crafford
Scott Crafford
James Cricchi
David Davenport
F Dale Davis
Dwayne Dell
Michael Dittrick
Scott C Dunn
Jerry Edemann
Patrick M Egan
Ronald Eng
Russ Ensels
Brent Lee Farley
Randy Fife
Gary Flowers
Penelope L Foster
Penelope L Foster
Penelope L Foster
Penelope L Foster
Katterli Frauenfelder
James Gierman
Adam Gilmore
Walter Glinowiecki
Akiva Goldsman
Zoila Gomez
Marilyn Graf
Scott A Green
Elizabeth Greene
Lee Grubin
Harvey Guion
Steve Gums
Mark Gutierrez
Albert Hamilton
Andy Harris
Kelly Helstrom
D. M. Hemphill
Linda Heyman
Scott Hillman
Hilda Hodges
Benita Hofstetter
Jimmie Howard
James Daniel Hubbard
Bobby Huber
Margo Hunt
Gregory Jacobs
Peter James
Joseph E Januszewski
Nils C Jensen
Jeffrey L Johnson
Larry K Johnson
Steve Jones
Duane Kelly
James Kelly
Colleen Kelsall
Debra King
Cheryl Kinion
Dr. Mark S Komrad
Kim Koscki
Jim Kouf
Dave Kramer
Richard Kryder
Richard J Kupfer
Ron Lamendola
Mary Jo Lang
Clai Lashley
Dwight Lavers
Jody Levin
Craig Heston Ligget
David Linck
Steve Litecky
Fred Livinston
George Lutsche
Bruce Maccallum
Patty Malone
Don Malouf
Salvatore Martines
David Mastron
Frank Matkins
Bernard Mazur
Joseph Mcgee
Susan Mcnamara
John P. Mesa
Joseph Middleton
Judd Miller
Theresa Repola Mohammed
Dee Dee S Montesanto
Frank A Montesanto
Thomas Moore
Blake Martin Moulin
Michael Murray
Steve Myers
Chris Newman
Peggy Nicholson
Carrie Nosanchuk
Jane O'neal
David Orr
Scott Pina
Shari Rhodes
James Ricker
Richard Riggs
Dan River
James G. Robinson
Teddy Robinson
John Roesch
Dan Rogers
Erich Roland
Louise Rosner
Marge Rowland
David Saboy
Richard Salinas
John Sayler
Kevin Ray Schneider
Woody Schultz
Patricia Schweers
Thomas Scruggs
Louis Seabrease
Jeff Seitz
Rob Simons
Phil Slattery
Chata Smith
Ronald B Smith
Todd P Smith
Lisa Snodgrass
Tony Starbuck
Gary F Steele
John Stoddart
Rick Strodel
Elaine Taverrite
Christina Tucker
Timandra Alyse Vincent
Eric Wade
Stephanie Waldron
Lorrie Walker
Stephen B Walker
John Watkins
Liz Weber
Becky Weidner
Janet M West
Dave White
Thomas Whiting
Robert L Willumsen
Bill Winter
Walter R Wright
Michele M Ziegler
Film Details
Technical Specs
Miscellaneous Notes
Released in United States Fall October 28, 1994
Released in United States February 1995
Released in United States October 1994
Released in United States on Video April 4, 1995
Released in United States September 1995
Shown at Berlin International Film Festival (in competition) February 9-20, 1995.
Shown at Deauville Film Festival (Avant-Premiere) September 1-10, 1995.
Shown at Hamptons International Film Festival (closing night) October 19-23, 1994.
Feature film debuts for Liv Tyler and Tim Warden.
Began shooting September 20, 1993.
Completed shooting November 20, 1993.
Released in United States February 1995 (Shown at Berlin International Film Festival (in competition) February 9-20, 1995.)
Released in United States on Video April 4, 1995
Released in United States September 1995 (Shown at Deauville Film Festival (Avant-Premiere) September 1-10, 1995.)
Released in United States October 1994 (Shown at Hamptons International Film Festival (closing night) October 19-23, 1994.)
Released in United States Fall October 28, 1994