Brief Synopsis
Cast & Crew
Ernest Dickerson
Keith Provost
Donny Lucas
Michael T. Weiss
Kirby Morrow
Katharine Isabelle
Film Details
Technical Specs
It's 1979 and Jimmy Bones is a legendary patron in his thriving urban neighborhood. Handsome and respected, Bones is unexpectedly betrayed and murdered by those closest to him for refusing to deal crack cocaine to his people. Flash forward to the present day. Crime and drugs have crumbled the neighborhood. Bones' once elegant brownstone, the dwelling in which he was brutally killed, remains standing but has become decrepit. As fate would have it, the sons of Bones' old friend Jeremiah, one of those who betrayed him, have returned to the old neighborhood to open an after-hours nightclub, buying the gothic structure where Jimmy Bones still lies buried in the basement. No sooner do they cross the threshold of the cursed edifice than a series of strange and unexplainably terrifying events begin to take place, and soon it becomes shockingly clear that Jimmy Bones is staging a comeback... and he's hell-bent on revenge, intent on tracking down and visiting vengeance upon all those who betrayed him.
Ernest Dickerson
Keith Provost
Donny Lucas
Michael T. Weiss
Kirby Morrow
Katharine Isabelle
Erin Wright

Pam Grier
Ricky Harris
D Harlan Cutshall
Lynda Boyd
Chaynade Knowles
Merwin Mondesir
Brittany Moldowan
Khalil Kain
Linda Chow
Jeni Le Gon
Tracey Classen
Helena Yea
Chaka White
Ron Selmour
Emy Aneke
Boyan Vukelic
Mavis D'andrade
Ellen Ewusie
Brantley Bush
Carlos Joe Costa
Sean Amsing
Garikayi Mutambirwa
Josh Byer
Gladys Phillip

Clifton Powell
Deezer D
Charles Jones
Bianca Lawson
Snoop Dogg
Colin Foo
Randy Schooley
Marcus Moldowan
Shanel Murray-nelson
Lynn Abroms
Brenda Adams
Lloyd Adams
Stacy Adams
Jaremy Aiello
Marnie Ander
Dave Anderson
Don Anderson
John R. Anderson
Steve Ansell
Roy Ayers
Brian Bailey
Lynell Bangs
Steve Barkowitcz
James C Barley
Elaine Barrett
Thomas Bartke
Thomas Bartke
Barb Bartos
Brian Basham
Jeffrey Bass
Brian Beatty
John Beatty
Ron Bedrosian
Brent Bennett
David Bercovici-artieda
A Best
Mike Blundell
Larry Bones
Glenn Bottomley
Bob Bowen
Melvin Bradford
Ron Brennan
Amy Britt
Priest Brooks
Paul Broucek
Susan Brouse
James Brown
Ricardo Brown
Rich Brown
Jeff Buccacio
Gary Burritt
John Burton
William Butler
Terrance Callier
Sylvain Cameron
Yves Cameron
Dana Campbell
Laurie Cartwright
Maureen Chan
Doug Chapman
Matthew Chipera
Dean Choe
Marco Ciccone
Tim Clark
Dan Clarke
Jocelyn Clarke
Elia Cmiral
Elia Cmiral
Chris Cochrane
Rick Coffee
Franklin Cofod
Roy Cohen
Richard Coleman
Eric Collins
Ray Collins
Anya Colloff
Benjamin Cook
Doug Craik
Aubrey Lee Culp
Cathy Cunliffe
Cathy Cunliffe
Richard Currie
Wendy Czajkowsky
Paul Darc
Fred Davies
Tracey Davis
William De Vaughn
William De Vaughn
Tray Deee
Jeff Denker
Duane Dickinson
John Dines
Jed M Dodge
Snoop Dogg
Snoop Dogg
Yves Drapeau
Barry Dresner
Robin Driscoll
Matt Dubin
Leon Dudevoir
Joe Dunn
Rodney Duvall
Charlene Eberle
Vincent J Edwards
Jeff Egan
Sean Elliot
Lisle Engle
Roy Erickson
Harvey Fedor
Harold Felhauer
Pablo Ferro
Mike Fields
Adrian Fisher
Kevin Fisher
Jennifer Fishman Pate
Jimmy Scungelli Fitzpatrick
Patrick Flanagan
Mike Flicker
Frederick Fraleigh
Alan Freedman
Louis Freese
Susan Gamsaragan
Tony Gardner
Cheri Gaynor
Rose Geddes
Errol Gee
David Gendron
Aris Georgiopoulos
Robert Getty
Kevin Gilliam
Martihe Francois Girbaud
Cory Glass
Emily Glatter
Jim Gorman
Phil Gough
Peter Grace
David Grant
Colin Gray
Rachel Griffin
Jennifer Grossman
George Grove
Nate Haggard
Christine Handley
Mike Hardison
Rupert Harvey
Shane Harvey
Ivan Hayden
Peter Heller
Michael Hertlein
Dave Hetherington
Douglas Higgins
Jack Higgins
Alexis Hinde
Sam Hofstedt
Stephen Hollocker
Deshaun Holton
David Hooper
Steve Houle
Bruce Houston
Jared Howitt
Jessica Huebner
Ed Hunter
Derek Hurst
Tracey Hway
James Ice
Sharon P Ingram
Sara Irvine
Ernie Jackson
Kedrick Johnson
Kedrick Johnson
Rufus Johnson
Chris Jones
Nathan Jones
Michael Kamper
Scott Kanyuck
Sammy Kaplan
Scott Karpf
Phil Katsikas
Ric Keeley
A Keley
Lori Kenney
Michael N Knue
Richard Kohlen
Barry Koper
Ian Korver
Tedd Kuchera
Flavio M Labiano
Flavio M Labiano
Michael Langlois
Alexandra Laroche
David Lebowitz
Stephan Lentz
Lisa Leonard
Don Lew
Mark Libera
Jeff Lingle
Laura Livingstone
Jerry Long
Garth Longmore
Brad Loree
David Lourie
Steve Lovejoy
Marco Lytviak
M.c. Ren
Deborah Macatumpag
Scott Macdonald
George Macri
Carolyn Manetti
Diane Marshall
Film Details
Technical Specs
Miscellaneous Notes
First film to star internationally acclaimed, Grammy-nominated rap artist Snoop Dogg.
Released in United States Fall October 24, 2001
Released in United States on Video July 29, 2003
Began shooting March 1, 2000.
Completed shooting May 30, 2000.
Released in United States Fall October 24, 2001
Released in United States on Video July 29, 2003