Brief Synopsis
Cast & Crew
Robert H Grasmere
Tommy Lasorda
Matt Leblanc
Noon Orsatti
Joe Bucaro
Paul Hewitt
Film Details
Technical Specs
Jack Cooper never imagined a friend like Ed. Up from the farm with a shot as a pitcher on a minor league baseball team, Jack finds his curveball and his career in deep trouble when more than the cows in his barnyard watch him wind up. In a word, he chokes. Cooper's dubious luck brings him an amazing roommate: the new third baseman named Ed--who happens to be a full grown chimpanzee. In ways he could never expect, Cooper's life and career turn completely around when Ed helps him to open his eyes and his heart to the game and the ones he loves.
Tommy Lasorda
Matt Leblanc
Noon Orsatti
Joe Bucaro
Paul Hewitt
Philip Bruns
Rick Johnson
Mitch Ryan
John-clay Scott
Curt Kaplan
Zack Ward
Charlie Schlatter
K C Corkery
Gene Ross
Jim O'heir
Jim Caviezel
Valente Rodriguez
Brad Hunt
Mark Cassella
Stan Ivar
Jayne Brook
Richard Gant
Ken Zavayna
Doren Fein
Michael Chieffo
Carl Anthony Payne
Bill Capizzi
Gary Hecker
Jaquita Green
Steve Eastin
Macka Foley
Suellyn Mcclung
Mike Mcglone
Leonard Kelly-young
Jack Warden
Denise Cheshire
Jay Caputo
Sage Allen
Kevin Kraft
Patrick Kerr
Bill Cobbs
Jessica Pennington
Troy Evans
George M Abeyta
Gino Acevedo
Beth Ahlstrand
John Alexander
Matthew M Alexander
John F Aliano
Dee Dee Altamura
Mark Annis
David Anthony
Tom Battoe
Bobby Bell
Mark Berger
Steve Blenkhorn
David Blitstein
Tara Bonakdar
Tim Boxell
Susan Brook
Sue Bubb
Randy K Cabral
Jill Cady
Wes Caefer
Paul Calabria
Chris Canute
Rob Capwell
Nik E Carey
Tamara Carlson-woodard
Steve Carmona
Alan Caso
Alan Caso
Rosa Cays
Janus Cercone
Janus Cercone
Sue Chipperton
Lisa Collins
Thom N Cook
Loren Corney
Deborah Cottrill
Mitchell Coughlin
Mitchell Coughlin
Bill Couturié
Kathryn Couturie
K C Crain
Cathy Crandall
Jill Crosby
Matt Croteau
Rod Dedeaux
Denise Dillon
Patrick Dodd
Kevin Doyle
Stephen Endelman
Brad Epstein
Lori Eschler
David Mickey Evans
Steven E. Eyrse
Margaret E. Fannin
Kristen Felan
Jose Fernandez
William R. Finnegan
Michael Floquet
Timothy R Flugum
Todd Forsberg
Dr. Roger Fouts
Michael L Fox
Andrew Francis
Greg Friedkin
Jake Garber
Robert David Garrett
Jonnie S Gatlin
Jacob Goldstein
Barry E Golob
Dr. Jonathan Gording
Dan Gorman
Robert H Grasmere
Connie Grayson
Wayne Griffith
Christopher Grigg
Ned Gusick
Mary J Gustafson
Geoffrey Haley
Kevin Halloran
Jim Handley
Daniel Hanna
Karin Hanson
James Hayes
L R Heavirland
Mecki Heussen
John Hirtle
Sabine Hoddle
Theresa Holm
Carlos Huente
Deborah Hurlimann
Michael Jenkins
Lynette Johnson
Mike Jolly
Kathy Kane
Sherrie Kasner
Douglas S Kennedy
Martin Kitrosser
Dana Klaren
Rory Robert Knepp
Skip Knight
Danny Kopel
Karen Lafler
Robert K. Lambert
Sean Lambert
Darrel K Lee
Samuel Lehmer
Richard Lengle
Robin Lewis
Jose Lopez
Lance Mancuso
Steve R Manning
Robert Maverick
Michael Scott Mccrea
Karen Mcelhatton
Michael Mennies
Joseph Middleton
Todd E Miller
Chava Monjaraz
Robert Morgenroth
Tim Morris
Helene Mulholland
Doug Murray
William A Naumann
Sylvia Nava
Sean Neel
Ryan Nellis
David Arthur Nelson
David Arthur Nelson
Fiona Nelson
Eve Niemand
Merry-beth Noble
K C Olsen
Donald Orlando
Ernie Orsatti
David Orszag
Victor Ortado
Sean Pagel
Gary Dean Paulsen
Mark Petrak
Rodney Petreikis
Ron Pipes
Suzette Plachette
Judd J Plum
Glen R Polzel
Richard Quinn
Timothy Ralston
Timothy Ralston
Gordon Rattigan
Mike Reposar
Shari Rhodes
Ken Richards
Ken Richards
Jonathan Richmond
Rudi Robis
Vince Rodriguez
Danny S Ronay
Bob Rosen
Melissa B Roth
Andrew Rowlands
Andrew Rowlands
Danny Rust
Danny Rust
Lynn Salvatori
Jose Sandoval
Roger Sassen
Amanda J Scarano
Thomas Schellenberg
Crista Schneider
Curtis A Schnell
John Schroeder
Richard Peter Schroer
Steve Schultz
Dennis R. Scott
Matthew Shafer
Robert Sharman
Bill Shea
Robert Shoup
Garland Smaith
Gordon Smith
Lainie Sorkin-becky
Donald D Sowell
James M Sprattley
Todd Starks
Diana Stirpe
Rosalie Swedlin
Bernadette Tanchauco
Norman Tempia
Norman Tempia
Randy Tenhaeff
Miles Teves
Declan Thomas
A H Thomsen
Bob Thomson
Greg Tippie
William J Tricarico
Catherine Trzybinski
Rob Vaupel
Alun Vick
Paul Carmen Viggiano
Film Details
Technical Specs
Miscellaneous Notes
Released in United States on Video August 6, 1996
Released in United States Spring March 15, 1996
Narrative feature directorial debut for documentarian Bill Couturie.
Began shooting April 19, 1995.
Completed shooting July 1, 1995.
Released in United States Spring March 15, 1996
Released in United States on Video August 6, 1996