Galaxies Are Colliding
Brief Synopsis
Cast & Crew
John Ryman
Jamie Blackley
Rick Overton
Jay Mccaslin
Myron Natwick
Don Altman
Film Details
Technical Specs
Adam is so afraid of getting married that he abandons his bride-to-be, gives up sex, and journeys to the desert in search of the ultimate truth. Meanwhile, Peter, the only friend who truly understands Adam, tries to help him find the road to enlightenment. Along the way they meet some outrageous characters who offer sage advice about the perils of matrimony and the meaning of life. From a demented impressionist to a beautiful desert vixen, these divine encounters offer intriguing clues to the ways of the world.
John Ryman
Jamie Blackley
Rick Overton
Jay Mccaslin
Myron Natwick
Don Altman
Kelsey Grammer
David Sargent
Karen Medak
Dwier Brown
Chuck Riley
Kim Maxwell
Brad Carow
Rick Livingston
May Quigley
James Ward
Patricia Thompson
Steve Scarduzio
Matt Landers
Sharon Barr
Nicolas Ladizinsky
Susan Walters
Rudy Hornish
Steve Ruggles
David Sage
Matthew Powers
Lisa Todd
Lou Aicesare
Paco Alvarez
Harry Anderson
Mark Anderson
David Appleby
Nick Arnds
Spring Asper
Pam Austin
Johann Sebastian Bach
Bill Baker
Chris Balthaser
Tom Bango
Stephen Barber
Stephen Barber
Stephen Barber
Ralph Barnett
Spring Bartlett
Roban Beiber
Stuart A Benjamin
Dorothy Bennett
Suzanne Berger
Pepper Berry
Robin Bianchi
Rivki Bier
Jerry Bishop
Julia Blelock
Mike Bonner
Bill Borden
Jerrold T Brandt
Monique Breen
Fred Brennan
Alan Brownstein
Regge Bulman
Mavis Burrows
Robert Burrows
Butch And Buddy
Syd Cappe
Jane Carpenter-wilson
Jane Carpenter-wilson
Thomas Chan
Betsy Chasse
Denise Cochran
Will Combs
Ted Conibear
Phil Cory
Donna Cottone
Sandy Creighton
Tony Currie
Leslie D'brass
Elizabeth Dahl
Michael Dandy
Gary Daprato
Adam Davis
Shaari Davis
Michael Demonaco
Steve Depetris
Clyde Derrick
Peter Diamond
Louis Dicesare
Gay Difusco
Bob Doidge
Maureen Doidge
Gail Drucker
Margaret Duke
Timothy R Durr
Antonin Dvorak
Paul Edwards
Phil Elmore
Richard Erdmann
Joel Fajnor
Robert Faulk
Gabriel Faure
Rick Feeder
Arthur Fenno
John Flegler
David Fleming
Leslie Fletcher
John Follmer
Justin Fontileu
Mary Fontileu
Suki Fontileu
Tony Forkush
Toby Forlenza
Jennifer Freedman
Ellen Garvey
Raymond Gaspard
Bill Ginn
Betty Goldberg
Charles Gounod
Kelsey Grammer
Marina Gregory
Mathew Jon Gulbin
Larry Gurney
Jeffrey M. Hall
Michael D Hanks
Emmylou Harris
Kathleen Hart
Tim Healey
Jack Heeren
Torrie Hendley
Reed Hess
Larry Hezzelwood
Erich Hieche
Paula Himel
Richard Hogarth
Dan Houston
Matt Howard
Lori Ingle
Anjelika Jager
Michael Jannetta
Mariss Jansons
Robert Jastrow
Tony Jefferson
Leigh Jerrard
Kirk Johnson
Jefferie Johnston
Holly Jones
Spenser Jones
King Joslyn
Pedro Jux-coz
Muriel Katz
Judy Kaufman
Kenneth Kaufman
Sean Kelly
Shannon Kemp
Janet Kendrick
Nancy Kettleson
Ranger Russ Kimura
David Korchok
Kerry Korf
Alan Koshiyama
Geoff Kronik
Edward Krup
Pramod Kumar
Eric Ladizinsky
Ivan Ladizinsky
Ivan Ladizinsky
Ivan Ladizinsky
Jim Lauderdale
Jim Lauderdale
Jo Leachman-mcillece
John Leader
Michelle Ledoux
Philip Lee
Tom Legross
Kim Lenz
Gayle Levant
John Leventhal
Zane Levitt
Chris Maes
Leslie Mann
Jenny Manriquez
Jenny Manriquez
Jason Matlin
Brian Mccann
David Mcgroarty
Patty Mckay
Jennifer M Mcmanus
Felix Mendelssohn
Sally Merlin-jones
Scott Middleton
Howard Miller
John Mills
Wayne Morris
Erinn Mueller
Deano Musgrove
Norman Naylor
Susan Nickerson
Steve Novitzke
Tim O'connell
Gabby O'neill
John Olivieria
Patricia Parsons
Tina Pastourius
Robin Pearl
Robin Pearl
Richard Perkins
Shaun Perkins
Don Peterson
Jan Peterson
Olivia Pickart
Mike Pickel
Dino Pigat
Dianne Ponte
Michael A Price
Carlos Quintero
Phil Radin
Lonnie Ramati
Catherine Rankin
Bill Ratcliffe
Steve Ray
Stephani Resnick
Chuck Riley
Gerry Ringwald
David Rivolier
Katherine Robinson
John Romness
Leslie Rowan
Ryan Rowe
Victoria Ruskin
Film Details
Technical Specs
Miscellaneous Notes
Released in United States 1992
Released in United States May 1992
Released in United States November 1992
Released in United States October 1992
Released in United States on Video April 16, 1996
Released in United States September 1992
Released in United States Spring April 1, 1996
Shown at American Film Market (AFM) in Santa Monica February 27 - March 6, 1992.
Shown at Cannes Film Festival (market) May 7-18, 1992.
Shown at Seattle International Film Festival May 15 - June 7, 1992.
Shown at Stockholm International Film Festival November 1992.
Shown at Vancouver International Film Festival October 2-18, 1992.
Shown at Venice Film Festival (Critics' Week) September 1-12, 1992.
Feature directorial debut for John Ryman.
Began shooting August 1990.
Released in United States 1992 (Shown at American Film Market (AFM) in Santa Monica February 27 - March 6, 1992.)
Released in United States 1992 (Shown at Seattle International Film Festival May 15 - June 7, 1992.)
Released in United States Spring April 1, 1996
Completed shooting December 1991.
Released in United States on Video April 16, 1996
Released in United States May 1992 (Shown at Cannes Film Festival (market) May 7-18, 1992.)
Released in United States September 1992 (Shown at Venice Film Festival (Critics' Week) September 1-12, 1992.)
Released in United States October 1992 (Shown at Vancouver International Film Festival October 2-18, 1992.)
Released in United States November 1992 (Shown at Stockholm International Film Festival November 1992.)