Brief Synopsis
Cast & Crew
Mark A.z. Dippt
John Leguizamo
Michael Jai White
Martin Sheen
Theresa Randle
Laura Stepp
Film Details
Technical Specs
Five years after he was murdered by his own colleagues in a covert government operation, Al Simmons makes a pact with the devil to be resurrected so that he may see his wife Wanda once more. In return for the favor, the devil requires, in typically Faustian fashion, that Simmons lead Hell's Army for the destruction of humankind. Blessed in life with extraordinary killing skills, Simmons is even more deadly with the backing of his new master and the changling powers he has at his disposal. As he begins to discover and exercise his new strengths, he encounters two figures who direct him to use his powers in order to serve two different agendas. Cogliostro encourages Spawn to fight the devil and become a new champion for humankind, while Clown goads Spawn into continuing to serve his new master and lead the Armageddon.

John Leguizamo
Michael Jai White

Martin Sheen
Theresa Randle
Laura Stepp
Jay Caputo
Garrison Singer
D.b. Sweeney
Chris Coppola
Michael Papajohn
Darryl Warren
Marc Robinson
Sydni Beaudoin
Romeo Akrawi
Todd Mcfarlane
Melinda Clarke
Frank Welker
Robia Lamorte
Tony Haney
Nicol Williamson
Miko Hughes
Jack Coleman
Caroline Gibson
Mike Akrawi
John Cothran
Fanee Aaron
Gino Acevedo
George Acogny
George Aleco-sima
Sandra Almond
Sharon E Alshams
Milt Alvarez
David Leroy Anderson
George H Anderson
Howard Anderson
Robin Anderson
Ken Anjo
Tom Araya
Joakim Arnesson
Curtis Augspurger
Matt Baer
Bobbi Banks
A Barker
Randall K Bean
Donna Beard
Thad Beier
John Bell
Catherine Benante
David Benson
Howard Berger
Howard Berger
Beth Bergeron
Jil-sheree Bergin
Brian Bero
Paul Berolzheimer
Dean Beville
David Biedny
Jodi Birdsong
John Bisson
Kamar Bitar
Robert A. Blackburn
Sheyrl Blanc
Alan C. Blomquist
Adam Bluming
Dawn Bowery
Brandon Boyd
Constance Bracewell
Bruce Branit
Phil Brock
Richard Brown
Ronn Brown
Nathalie Buce
Todd Busch
Michelle Butler
Norman Cabrera
Sonia Calvert
Evan Campbell
Casey Cannon
Tom Capizzi
John Carey
Jerry Castro
Lanny Cermak
Mark Cheng
Adrienne Childers
Lubo Christoff
Marc Chu
Daniel Chuba
Danielle Ciccarelli
Buckie Claborn
Matt Codd
Grady Cofer
Adrianna Cohen
Harry Cohen
Patrick Cohen
Frank Colin
Dominic Cooney
Steve Cremin
Charlie Croughwell
Colin Cunningham
Scott Curtis
Chris David
Shelley Davis
Angelo De La Cruz
Rachel Debree
Unjoo Decourcey
Brian Demski
Mitch Deoudes
Alex Diaz
Linda Difranco
Mark A.z. Dippt
Mark A.z. Dippt
Jamie Dixon
Jim Doherty
Paul Draper
Michael Dressel
Lauryl Duplechan
Allen Easton
Selwyn Eddy
Mike Einziger
Tyruben Ellingson
Mike Ellis
Garry Elmendorf
Jenn Emberly
Alec Empire
Brian Engebretsen
Wayne England
Travis Estrella
Christian F Eubank
Mark Fattibene
Steven Ficke
Sara Fillmore
Terry Fitzgerald
Jimmy Scungelli Fitzpatrick
Linda Folk
John Ford
Bijan Forutanpour
Derry Frost
Tadao Fujishita
Todd Fulford
Greg Funk
Greg Funk
Mark Gabbana
Gil Gagnon
Steve Galle
Maureen Garrett
Angela Giannoni
Kelly Gibbs
Ben Gillies
Evan L Gilner
Emily Glatter
Alaina Goetz
Clint Goldman
Emily Goodman
Jim Goodman
Scott Gordon
Trevor Goring
Trevor Goring
Deanna Gould
Oliver Govers
Rick Grandy
Richard Graves
Orin Green
Lucy Green Taylor
Susan Greenhow
Glenn Grillo
Mary Beth Haggerty
Ted Haines
Betsy Asher Hall
Kirk Hammett
Jeff Hanneman
Sean Hargreaves
Tim Harrigton
Barbara Harris
Jordan Harris
Bill Harrison
Philip Harrison
P Hartknoll
Steve Hartman
Paul Haslinger
Dion Hatch
J Michael Haynie
Gregory A. Hedgepath
Linda Henrikson
Christophe Hery
Rebecca Heskes
Christina Hills
Diane Holland
Daiji Hori
John Horn
Jim Hourihan
Paul Howarth
Dave R. Howe
Liam Howlett
Ian Hulbert
Bill Hunt
Garrett Immel
Masa Inakage
Erich Ippen
Yukiko Ishiwata
William Jacobs
Martin Jedlicka
Scott A Jennings
Erik Jensen
Arthur Jeppe
Jennifer Jin Young Chang
Daniel Johns
Becky Jones
Bruce Jones
Florian Kainz
Jeffrey Kaplan
Daryl Kass
Nami Katagiri
Alex Katunich
Mark S. Kaufman
Samuel F Kaufman
Jonathan Keeton
Wayne Kennedy
Shawn Kennelly
Dorn Merrill Kennison
Farron Kerzner
Greg Killmaster
Bill Kimberlin
Toshiyuki Kimura
Jeanmarie King
Kerry King
Film Details
Technical Specs
Miscellaneous Notes
Released in United States Summer August 1, 1997
Released in United States on Video December 23, 1997
Feature film directorial debut for Mark Dippe, former visual effects supervisor for Industrial Light & Magic (ILM).
Began shooting August 13, 1996.
Completed shooting November 13, 1996.
Released in United States Summer August 1, 1997
Released in United States on Video December 23, 1997