Day Of The Animals
Brief Synopsis
Cast & Crew
William Girdler
Christopher George
Leslie Nielsen
Lynda Day George
Richard Jaeckel
Michael Ansara
Film Details
Technical Specs
The depletion of the earth's ozone layer causes animals above the altitude of 5000 feet to run amok, which is very unfortunate for a group of hikers who get dropped off up there by helicopter just before the quarantine is announced.

Christopher George

Leslie Nielsen
Lynda Day George
Richard Jaeckel

Michael Ansara

Ruth Roman
Jon Cedar
Paul Mantee

Walter Barnes
Susan Backlinie
Andrew Stevens
Kathleen Bracken
Bobby Porter
Michelle Stacy
Garrison True
Michael Andreas
Michael Rougas
Gil Lamb
Jan Andrew Scott
Gertrude Lee
Morris R Abramms
Scott Adams
Glenn E. Anderson
Bub Asman
Lloyd Beebe
Fred J Brown
Sam Burney
Michael Clark
Monty Cox
Monty Cox
Dick Drake
Clarence Eurist
Michael R Faeth
Dennis Grisco
Jan Heininger
Thomas C Mchugh
Graham Meech-burkestone
James D. Mitchell
Edward L. Montoro
Edward L. Montoro
Eleanor E Norton
William Norton
Al Overton
Don Record
Bob Riedell
Nancy Sales
Lalo Schifrin
Lou Schumacher
Billy Ray Smith
Bob Sorrentino
George N Toth
John R Woodward
Film Details
Technical Specs
The Day of the Animals - Christopher George, Leslie Nielsen & Ruth Roman Become Potential Snack Food in DAY OF THE ANIMALS on DVD
Unlike The Birds, which gave no explanation for the birds attacking, Day of the Animals sets the animals' motive from the get-go in a pretty surprising and ahead-of-it's-time reasoning; the animals are going crazy because of the gradual depletion of the ozone layer and the effects of the ultraviolet rays. The film even starts out with an opening scrawl that says, although this is a work of fiction, we should be warned that if this environmental disregard continues to happen, we could very well find ourselves in the middle of our OWN "Day of the Animals". Unfortunately, due to the state of the world as it is today, this could really be no farther from the truth.
Directed by exploitation legend, the late William Girdler --- who is also responsible for Abby (1974) a blaxploitation version of The Exorcist, Sheba Baby (1975) starring Pam Grier, Three on a Meathook (1972) and The Manitou (1978) --- the film definitely gives the viewers what they want to see: Animal attacks! Though the film is never necessarily gory, there are some memorable and often disturbing attack sequences, primarily a cliff-side attack by a group of large buzzards, a DOUBLE cougar attack and a pretty hilarious kitchen attack scene led by a handful of harmless looking rats. The animal scenes are filmed remarkably well, as the shots of various animals "watching" and stalking the hikers seem quite realistic and there are some eerie and amazing shots of different types of animals in the same frame together, such as a cougar spying over a boulder while a large bear walks in the foreground. Perhaps the best actor of all in the piece is the amazing hawk who appears throughout the film and watches the events. You actually can believe the animals are there, involved with the actors, not just represented through cut-away stock footage of animal reactions.
The new DVD from Media Blaster's "Shriek Show" horror film label is chock full of everything you could possibly want to know about this rather obscure movie. First off, the film is presented twice on the disc, one is the familiarly monikered Day of the Animals version (which, according to the liner notes, is a master used for TV airings) and the other is the theatrical version which went by the alternate (and very vague) title of Something is Out There. Though both films appear to contain the same content, meaning that the TV version doesn't appear to be edited, the Day of the Animals transfer is far more watchable than Something, which is a truly mangled piece of film, marred with visible sprocket holes, color changes and sound problems. Also on the disc is a short featurette highlighting interviews with three of the stars of the film; John Cedar, Paul Mantee and Susan Backlinie (who, interestingly enough, also trained the animals seen in the film). They warmly discuss the making of the film, working with the animals and their relationships with director William Girdler, who tragically died in 1978 in a helicopter crash while scouting locations for a new film. Topping it off is a commentary track featuring star Lynda Day George.
Media Blaster's has also recently released Girdler's previous "animal attack" film, Grizzly (1976), also starring Christopher George and Richard Jaeckel (leading many to think that Day of the Animals was a sequel to Grizzly, which it isn't).
For more information about Day of the Animals, visit Shreik Show at Media Blasters. To order Day of the Animals, go to TCM Shopping.
by Eric Weber

The Day of the Animals - Christopher George, Leslie Nielsen & Ruth Roman Become Potential Snack Food in DAY OF THE ANIMALS on DVD
Hey hot shot. We're out of food.- Paul Jenson
I know!- Steve Buckner
Well were is that food that is supposed to be around here?- Paul Jenson
It's up ahead.- Steve Buckner
You say.- Paul Jenson
If there's a god left up there to belive in. My father who art in heaven you've a made a jack ass out of me for years. Neville's god that's the god I belive in! You see what you want you take. You take it! And I am going to do just that!- Paul Jenson
(Cameo) dialogue coach Garrison True as a reporter on TV in the bar.
Susan Backlinie played the first victim in the memorable scene in Jaws (1975). In this film she plays the first victim to die.
This film was sometimes mistaken as a sequel to William Girdler's more recent film Grizzly (1976). Because this film as the same type of plot out in the wilderness, same director, production company, producer and the return of Richard Jaeckel and Christopher George(I).
Miscellaneous Notes
Released in United States 1976
Released in United States 1976