
1h 27m 1937

Brief Synopsis

A glamorous singer commits murder to protect her daughter's virtue.

Film Details

Also Known As
Mazurka, One Hour of Romance, One Hour to Live
Release Date
Aug 28, 1937
Premiere Information
not available
Production Company
Warner Bros. Pictures, Inc.
Distribution Company
Warner Bros. Pictures, Inc.
United States
Screenplay Information
Based on the German film Mazurka , written by Hans Rameau (Cine-Allianz-Tonfilm Prod., 1935).

Technical Specs

1h 27m
Black and White
Theatrical Aspect Ratio
1.37 : 1
Film Length
10 reels


Lisa Koslov, a young and innocent music Warsaw student, is seeing her mother, Mrs. Koslov, off at the train station when an elegant man offers her two tickets to a concert. She attends the performance and discovers that the mysterious stranger is the great pianist, Michael Michailow. Lisa is frightened by his worldliness but is flattered by his attention and agrees to dine with him. At a sophisticated restaurant, they are seen together from the stage by the chanteuse, Vera Kowalska. Driven by some unspoken passion, she shoots and kills Michael. On trial, Vera refuses to reveal her motivation, but when Michael's suitcase is introduced as evidence, she begs the court to hear her story before they examine it. She explains that she was once married to Leonide Kirow and was devoted to him and their child. While he was away at war, she attended a ball where she encountered Michael, who had been her conductor when she was a well-known opera singer before her marriage. Although Vera refused his advances, he persisted, and intoxicated, she spent the night with him. Leonide returned home wounded, discovered the situation and divorced her, taking custody of their child. Leonide changed his name, remarried and died, after which his widow reared Vera's child. The night Michael was shot, Vera confesses, she recognized that he was planning to seduce her daughter. Vera begs the judge not to make her confession public and to protect Lisa's reputation. The court concludes that Vera's actions were justified, and her sentence is minimal.

Film Details

Also Known As
Mazurka, One Hour of Romance, One Hour to Live
Release Date
Aug 28, 1937
Premiere Information
not available
Production Company
Warner Bros. Pictures, Inc.
Distribution Company
Warner Bros. Pictures, Inc.
United States
Screenplay Information
Based on the German film Mazurka , written by Hans Rameau (Cine-Allianz-Tonfilm Prod., 1935).

Technical Specs

1h 27m
Black and White
Theatrical Aspect Ratio
1.37 : 1
Film Length
10 reels


Confession (1937)

A passionate melodrama in the style of the much-filmed Madame X, Warner Bros.' Confession (1937) reaches its emotional climax in a courtroom as a beautiful woman (Kay Francis) faces a charge of murder while attempting to protect her identity from a daughter who has never known her as a mother. German director Joe May brings a decidedly Teutonic atmosphere to this American movie based on the German film Mazurka (1935), which was directed by Willi Forst and starred Pola Negri. Mazurka, in turn, had been inspired by the silent film The Coast of Folly (1925), a Gloria Swanson vehicle adapted from a novel by Coningsby William Dawson. Both Mazurka and Confession credit Hans Rameau as a screenwriter. Confession reflects its Germanic source with an expressionistic style that employs unusual camera angles and stylized costumes and makeup; according to film historian David Shipman, it is a "shot-by-shot remake" of Mazurka.

Francis plays Vera, a one-time cabaret singer accused of the murder of her former pianist (Basil Rathbone). In flashbacks it is revealed that the pianist had been responsible, through a drunken seduction, for the breakup of Vera's marriage and the end of her career. Years later the pianist returns, now intent on seducing the singer's daughter, who was farmed out for adoption. As Vera sees the scourge of her life closing in on his new prey, her thoughts turn quickly to murder. But, even after her arrest and trial, she bravely hides the real story from her daughter.

Although now seen as a fascinating American rendering of the German expressionistic style, Confession was viewed by audiences of its day as just another Kay Francis melodrama. One of the biggest names at Warners in the early 1930s, she had seen her star begin to wane as dramatic powerhouse Bette Davis came into her own at the studio. Production executive Hal B. Wallis issued a statement: "It is the producer's business to gauge his public; it is the star's business to trust the producer's judgment. Kay Francis is possibly the only star in the history of Warners who has realized this fact and who has been ready to meet us more than half-way." Francis herself said: "Even if it was me the public so kindly went to see, there was a limit to the number of times a certain type of story or motif could be repeated." Within two years she was gone from the Warners lot, and Davis had moved into her star bungalow.

Producer: Henry Blanke
Director: Joe May
Screenplay: Julius J. Epstein, Margaret P. Levino, Hans Rameau
Art Direction: Anton Grot
Cinematography: Sidney Hickox
Costume Design: Orry-Kelly
Editing: James Gibbon
Original Music: Peter Kreuder, Jack Scholl, Heinz Roemheld (uncredited)
Principal Cast: Kay Francis (Vera), Ian Hunter (Leonide Kiroy), Basil Rathbone (Michael Michailow), Jane Bryan (Lisa), Donald Crisp (Presiding Judge), Mary Maguire (Hildegard), Dorothy Peterson (Mrs. Koslov), Laura Hope Crews (Stella).

by Roger Fristoe

Confession (1937)

Confession (1937)

A passionate melodrama in the style of the much-filmed Madame X, Warner Bros.' Confession (1937) reaches its emotional climax in a courtroom as a beautiful woman (Kay Francis) faces a charge of murder while attempting to protect her identity from a daughter who has never known her as a mother. German director Joe May brings a decidedly Teutonic atmosphere to this American movie based on the German film Mazurka (1935), which was directed by Willi Forst and starred Pola Negri. Mazurka, in turn, had been inspired by the silent film The Coast of Folly (1925), a Gloria Swanson vehicle adapted from a novel by Coningsby William Dawson. Both Mazurka and Confession credit Hans Rameau as a screenwriter. Confession reflects its Germanic source with an expressionistic style that employs unusual camera angles and stylized costumes and makeup; according to film historian David Shipman, it is a "shot-by-shot remake" of Mazurka. Francis plays Vera, a one-time cabaret singer accused of the murder of her former pianist (Basil Rathbone). In flashbacks it is revealed that the pianist had been responsible, through a drunken seduction, for the breakup of Vera's marriage and the end of her career. Years later the pianist returns, now intent on seducing the singer's daughter, who was farmed out for adoption. As Vera sees the scourge of her life closing in on his new prey, her thoughts turn quickly to murder. But, even after her arrest and trial, she bravely hides the real story from her daughter. Although now seen as a fascinating American rendering of the German expressionistic style, Confession was viewed by audiences of its day as just another Kay Francis melodrama. One of the biggest names at Warners in the early 1930s, she had seen her star begin to wane as dramatic powerhouse Bette Davis came into her own at the studio. Production executive Hal B. Wallis issued a statement: "It is the producer's business to gauge his public; it is the star's business to trust the producer's judgment. Kay Francis is possibly the only star in the history of Warners who has realized this fact and who has been ready to meet us more than half-way." Francis herself said: "Even if it was me the public so kindly went to see, there was a limit to the number of times a certain type of story or motif could be repeated." Within two years she was gone from the Warners lot, and Davis had moved into her star bungalow. Producer: Henry Blanke Director: Joe May Screenplay: Julius J. Epstein, Margaret P. Levino, Hans Rameau Art Direction: Anton Grot Cinematography: Sidney Hickox Costume Design: Orry-Kelly Editing: James Gibbon Original Music: Peter Kreuder, Jack Scholl, Heinz Roemheld (uncredited) Principal Cast: Kay Francis (Vera), Ian Hunter (Leonide Kiroy), Basil Rathbone (Michael Michailow), Jane Bryan (Lisa), Donald Crisp (Presiding Judge), Mary Maguire (Hildegard), Dorothy Peterson (Mrs. Koslov), Laura Hope Crews (Stella). BW-88m. by Roger Fristoe



Director Joe May was so determined to make this a close remake of the German film Mazurka (1935) that he kept a print of "Mazurka" on the set and frequently ran sections of it, to the annoyance of the new film's cast. In addition to copying the German original shot-by-shot in many scenes, this film also reuses the original score and songs.


Working titles were One Hour of Romance, One Hour to Live and Mazurka. In reviews, the film was compared unfavorably to the 1936 German original, Mazurka, starring Pola Negri, even though it apparently was a scene-by-scene remake. Information included in the Warner Bros. collection in the USC Cinema-Television Library reveals that producer Henry Blanke wanted Bette Davis to star in the film and that he suggested Warner Baxter for the Basil Rathbone role. Lola Lane tested for the role of Xenia. Screen Achievements Bulletin correspondence indicates that writer Margaret LeVino adapted Hans Rameau's German screenplay for Mazurka, but information in the Warner Bros. files indicates that Rudi Fehr, who eventually became head of the editing department at Warner Bros., was originally hired by the studio to translate Mazurka and another German film, Episode, which became My Love Came Back (see below). Modern sources state that Warners acquired the American distribution rights to the original film and shelved it so it would not interfere with the remake. Modern sources also list additional players as Tom Tilson, Johnny Harron, Stuart Holmes and Dale Van Sickle.