J Miller Tobin
Initially known for his direction of television crime-dramas, such as "Oz," "The Agency" and "Numb3rs," J. Miller Tobin has proven himself adept at cutting across a multitude of genres, including science fiction (with "Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles" and the acclaimed "Supernatural"), and teenage romantic dramas, including the remake of "90210," the new version of "Melrose Place" and "Gossip Girl." Tobin, who has been credited as Miller Tobin, rose through the ranks by serving as second and first assistant director on several feature films, including the visually stunning 1991 drama "Daughters of the Dust"; the romantic comedy "The Night We Never Met," starring Matthew Broderick; and the remake of the classic period romance "The Heiress," known by the original novel's title "Washington Square." In 1999 Tobin acted as producer, writer and director of a short film, "4 a.m.: Open All Night," which starred Tate Donovan. In 2005, Miller made his solo directing and co-producing debut with the feature "How You Look to Me," starring Frank Langella. As well as reviving the 1970s landmark "Charlie's Angels" for modern audiences, Tobin contributed to the teen thriller series "Revenge" while producing and directing several episodes of the popular "The Vampire Diaries."