Frank Nelson
Comedy player of radio and early TV, Frank Nelson was, in his prime, one of the highest paid guest stars on network TV. He is best known as the annoying, tart-tongued clerk forever encountered by Jack Benny on radio and TV. Benny would see the back of the clerk, and say, "Excuse me." Nelson would turn around and deliver the elongated "Yeeeeees" that became his trademark, and the audience would howl even before the scene hit its stride. Nelson was also known for playing Ralph Ramsey in the final season of "I Love Lucy." Ralph was married to Betty Ramsey, Lucy and Ethel's new Connecticut friend and occasional rival. Ralph was a new ally for Ricky and Fred. Actually, Nelson had appeared on a 1954 episode of the series playing Mr. Benjamin, the talent executive who comes to the Ricardo apartment to give Ricky a copy of the "Don Juan" script prior to his audition only to be hit over the head with a vase by Lucy. Nelson was very active in the affairs of the American Federation of Television and Radio Artists, serving on its board and as president.
Cast (Feature Film)
Cast (TV Mini-Series)
Life Events
Was regular on "The Hank McCune Show" (NBC)
Played Ralph Ramsey on final season of "I Love Lucy" (CBS)
Was regular on "The Betty White Show" (ABC)