Still image from the 1963 film Flipper.


Directed by James B. Clark

A fisherman in the Florida Keys opposes his son's friendship with a dolphin.

1963 1h 31m Adventure TV-G

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James B. Clark, Director
James B. Clark


Chuck Connors, Porter Ricks
Chuck Connors
Porter Ricks


Luke Halpin, Sandy Ricks
Luke Halpin
Sandy Ricks


Kathleen Maguire, Martha Ricks
Kathleen Maguire
Martha Ricks


Connie Scott, Kim Parker
Connie Scott
Kim Parker


Jane Rose, Hettie White
Jane Rose
Hettie White


When a plague destroys the fish in the area, Porter Ricks, a Florida Keys fisherman, searches for new grounds but is caught in a hurricane. Leaving behind his wife and 12-year-old son, Sandy, Porter goes to the mainland to have his damaged boat repaired. Sandy had promised to help repair the damage done to their house by the storm but is distracted when he finds an 8-foot wounded dolphin and tows him home. Sandy and his mother nurse the dolphin, which they call "Flipper," back to health in their fishpen, and the boy and Flipper become close friends. Porter returns, however, and orders Flipper to be returned to the ocean, annoyed because Sandy permitted his new friend to keep him from his work. The heartbroken boy releases Flipper, but the dolphin keeps returning and guides Sandy to a new fishing ground. He reports this discovery to his father, omitting any mention of Flipper. One day, while diving in the area, Sandy is attacked by sharks but is rescued by Flipper, who swims to Porter's approaching boat with the lad on his back. Porter, grateful for his son's life, permits Flipper to return to the family's lagoon where he and Sandy can romp and play together.

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Who knew that Hollywood's most famous dolphin was inspired by a dog? "As I was watching Lassie on television with my kids, I thought, wouldn't it be great to do an animal show similar to Lassie with a boy and a dolphin?" said Ricou Browning, an underwater stuntman, who collaborated with a friend to write the book Flipper. But Browning's attempts to find a publisher were met with rejections, until he contacted television producer Ivan Tors, with whom he had previously worked. The producer, an animal trainer himself, immediately took to Browning's tale, telling him, "Let's make a movie of Flipper, that story of yours," and set Browning to the task of casting their title star. Due to her willingness to swim with humans, "Mitzi" was selected over the other dolphins being considered for the role. The story of Flipper (1963) involves a young boy who befriends an injured dolphin and forms a special bond with the creature. The boy's father wants the animal returned to the wild, but is convinced of the inter-species friendship when Flipper ends up saving the young lad's life. Chuck Connors was cast in the role of the father; best known as the star of the television series The Rifleman (1958-63), his athletic build provided for a strong, paternal image. It was well earned: Connors was a professional player for three sporting teams in his career, the Brooklyn Dodgers, Chicago Cubs, and Boston Celtics. Child actor Luke Halpin won the role of devoted son, and Flipper remains h...

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{"imgID": "0","imgSrc": "","imgDescription": "Ad art featuring shirtless Luke Halpin as Sandy Ricks holding onto Flipper.","imgParticipants": "|LUKE HALPIN|"},{"imgID": "1","imgSrc": "","imgDescription": "Ad art featuring shirtless Luke Halpin as Sandy Ricks holding onto Flipper.","imgParticipants": "|LUKE HALPIN|"},
 Movie Poster from the movie 'Flipper'
Movie Poster


Filmed on location in Florida, the Bahamas, and the Virgin Islands. Producers thank the officials of New Providence Island in the Bahamas, Everglades City, and Miami for their cooperation.

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