Still image from the 1946 film Deception.


Directed by Irving Rapper

A woman tries to protect her refugee husband from her rich and powerful ex-lover.

1946 1h 50m Drama TV-PG

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Irving Rapper, Director
Irving Rapper


Bette Davis, Christine Radcliffe
Bette Davis
Christine Radcliffe


Paul Henreid, Karel Novak
Paul Henreid
Karel Novak


Claude Rains, Alexander Hollenius
Claude Rains
Alexander Hollenius


John Abbott, Bertram Gribble
John Abbott
Bertram Gribble


Benson Fong, The manservant
Benson Fong
The manservant


After a long wartime separation, pianist Christine Radcliffe is reunited in New York with her fiancé, cellist Karel Novak. Although Christine excitedly plans their wedding, she is reticent about her past. When Karel demands to know how a struggling musician like Christine can afford an elegant apartment and expensive wardrobe, Christine explains that she has taken on students, something they long ago agreed they would never do, and was ashamed to tell him. The next morning, Christine receives a call from composer Alexander Hollenius, whose mistress she has been, and announces her coming marriage. Later, Hollenius arrives unexpectedly at a party celebrating the marriage, and tells Karel that he fears marriage will interfere with Christine's devotion to her music. Karel is convinced that Hollenius' strange behavior is due to jealousy, especially after Hollenius discloses that Christine never had students. The following day, Christine visits Hollenius and begs him not to reveal their relationship because she is afraid that the information would strain the temperamental Karel's nerves. Later, Karel visits Hollenius, believing that Christine will be there despite her assertion that Hollenius was never more than her teacher. To his surprise, he discovers that Hollenius is listening to a recording that Karel made before the war. Hollenius is impressed by Karel's talent and offers him a new cello concerto that he has written. When Christine hears Karel practicing Hollenius' co...

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Alicia Malone Intro
Hosted Intro
Original Trailer

Deception (1946) is a remake of an early Jeanne Eagels talkie, adapted from a play that consists solely of power scenes between its three leading characters. Bette Davis, Claude Rains and Paul Henreid repeat their winning collaboration from Now, Voyager but with less persuasive results. Each contributes an exacting performance only to be defeated by difficult, unlikable roles. Bette Davis fans have no reason to worry, as she rivets the attention even when propping up an impossible character. Her emotional travails are backed by a high gloss presentation and a commanding music score by Erich Wolfgang Korngold. Synopsis: American music student Christine Radcliffe (Bette Davis) and her European lover Karel Novak (Paul Henreid), a superb cello player, were separated during the war. He spent years in concentration camps while she gave up hope for his survival and became the mistress of famous and wealthy composer Hollenius (Claude Rains). Discovering each other in Manhattan, Christine and Karel marry, even though Christine must confect an endless stream of lies to hide the truth of her previous relationship. Jealous, his vanity wounded, Hollenius plays along with Christine's deceptions, but begins a wicked campaign to get her back. Discovering Karel's enormous talent, Hollenius arranges for him to play a big solo in a new concerto. Christine immediately senses her benefactor/lover's scheme but can do nothing, even as Hollenius begin...

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{"imgID": "0","imgSrc": "","imgDescription": "Publicity still - Bette Davis in character as Christine Radcliffe ","imgParticipants": "BETTE DAVIS"},
 Bette Davis Publicity Still from the movie 'Deception'
Bette Davis Publicity..


The film's working title was Her Conscience. A press release included in the file on the film at the AMPAS Library notes that the studio purchased Louis Verneuil's play Monsieur Lamberthier as a vehicle for Barbara Stanwyck and Paul Henreid. The play was produced in New York, opening on October 22, 1928 under the title Jealousy. Under the title Obsession, the play opened in New York on October 1, 1946. The play had only two characters; the composer was only a voice on the telephone. In a modern source, Bette Davis recalls that she tried to convince Warner Bros. to make the motion picture as a two-person film. According to a February 13, 1946 Hollywood Reporter news item, Bette Davis objected to the title Her Conscience, and Jealousy, the American title of the play, could not be used as Republic Pictures had recently released a film with that title.
       Modern sources add the following information about the production: Shura Cherassky played the piano during Davis' solo, even though Davis, who had played piano as a child, practiced the piece for three hours a day in order to perform credibly on film. During the cello-playing scenes, Paul Henreid's hands were tied behind his back and two actual cellists were used in the close shots-one placed his right hand through Henreid's right sleeve and worked the bow; the other placed his left arm through Henreid's left sleeve and did the fingering. Bette Davis learned that she was pregnant during filming. Verneuil's play was also the basis for the 1929 film Jealousy, starring Jeanne Eagles and Anthony Bushnell and directed by Jean De Limur (see AFI Catalog of Feature Films, 1921-30; F2.2798).

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