Still image from the 1975 film Operation Daybreak.

Operation Daybreak

Directed by Lewis Gilbert

In 1942 Czechoslovakia, SS-General Reinhard Heydrich is appointed to become the Reich Protector of Bohemia and Moravia. The terror and oppression that follow cause Allied authorities in London to authorize a secret mission to kill the man who has come to be known as "The Butcher of Prague". The film explores shows the operation leading up to Heydrich's death as well as the massive German reprisals that followed it.

1975 1h 59m War

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Lewis Gilbert, Director
Lewis Gilbert


Timothy Bottoms, Jan Kubis
Timothy Bottoms
Jan Kubis


Martin Shaw, Karel Curda
Martin Shaw
Karel Curda


Joss Ackland, Janak
Joss Ackland


Nicola Pagett, Anna
Nicola Pagett


Anthony Andrews, Josef Gabcik
Anthony Andrews
Josef Gabcik


In 1942 Czechoslovakia, SS-General Reinhard Heydrich is appointed to become the Reich Protector of Bohemia and Moravia. The terror and oppression that follow cause Allied authorities in London to authorize a secret mission to kill the man who has come to be known as "The Butcher of Prague". The film explores shows the operation leading up to Heydrich's death as well as the massive German reprisals that followed it.

Reinhard Heydrich was the ruthless and powerful Nazi SS commander appointed by Adolf Hitler to be “protector” of occupied Czechoslovakia, where he became known as the Butcher of Prague. His abject brutality, and the concern among Allies that he would succeed Hitler if the opportunity ever arose, led to an assassination mission in 1942 dubbed Operation Anthropoid. Three Czech members of the British army agreed to parachute into Czechoslovakia and launch a commando raid to kill Heydrich. The operation was successful but led to severe reprisals by the Nazis, who razed the village of Lidice, killing all the male inhabitants and sending some 300 women and girls to concentration camps. Thousands of other Czechs were arrested or killed in further retaliation.The first Hollywood films depicting this episode were made right away, during the war: Hitler’s Madman (1943), stylishly directed by Douglas Sirk, produced by poverty row PRC, then purchased and released by MGM; and Hangmen Also Die! (1943), a bigger-budget fictionalized production directed by Fritz Lang and released through United Artists. Both remain powerful and striking pictures, but a 1960 book by Alan Burgess about the mission and its aftermath, entitled “Seven Men at Daybreak,” eventually inspired another, even more ambitious film production: Operation Daybreak.Produced by Warner Bros., the film employed a large international cast and crew led by a prominent British director, Lewis Gilbert, who is best remembered for Alfi...

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