Still image from the 1972 film Sisters.


Directed by Brian De Palma

A small-time reporter tries to convince the police she saw a murder in the apartment across from hers.

1972 1h 32m Horror/Science-Fiction TV-MA

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Brian De Palma, Director
Brian De Palma


Margot Kidder, Danielle Breton
Margot Kidder
Danielle Breton


Charles Durning, Joseph Larch
Charles Durning
Joseph Larch


A nosey reporter thinks she's witnessed a killing--but why does she have a strange affinity for the murder suspect--and furthermore, why do they share the same scar?..

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The first film of New York based filmmaker Brian De Palma to receive a wide theatrical release and attract favorable notices from mainstream critics, Sisters (1973) is an audacious mixture of psychosexual thriller and Alfred Hitchcock homage infused with a wicked sense of humor. Certainly, De Palma had already established himself as a director to watch with such promising indie efforts as Greetings (1968) and Hi, Mom! (1970), two improvisational, anti-establishment satires, both of which starred a young Robert de Niro. But Sisters is the film that set the tone and style of De Palma's "thriller" oeuvre which blossomed with Carrie (1976) and peaked with Dressed to Kill (1980). Bursting with creative energy and visual experimentation, the film is a virtuoso sampler of his strengths (and weaknesses) and a lot more fun than some of his later work which often verged on self-parody. In the tradition of other mystery thrillers about twins where one is good and one is bad (The Dark Mirror [1946], Dead Ringer [1964]), Sisters tops that plot device with a kinky twist: Danielle (Margot Kidder) is a former Siamese twin, separated from her psychotic sister, Dominique. She becomes the object of a police investigation when a neighbor, aspiring journalist Grace Collier (Jennifer Salt), witnesses a murder in Danielle's apartment. When the police fail to find any evidence that would convict Danielle, Grace conducts her own private investigation, hiring a detective (Charles Durning) to monit...

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 Movie Poster from the movie 'Sisters'
Movie Poster

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