Still image from the 1965 film Doctor Zhivago.

Doctor Zhivago

Directed by David Lean

Illicit lovers fight to stay together during the turbulent years of the Russian Revolution.

1965 3h 17m Epic TV-PG

Expires: Invalid date

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David Lean, Director
David Lean


Julie Christie, Lara
Julie Christie


Tom Courtenay, Pasha Antipov [Strelnikoff]
Tom Courtenay
Pasha Antipov [Streln..


Alec Guinness, Yevgraf Zhivago
Alec Guinness
Yevgraf Zhivago


Siobhan Mckenna, Anna Gromeko
Siobhan Mckenna
Anna Gromeko


Former Bolshevik Police Commissar Yevgraf Zhivago, now a general in charge of a huge Soviet dam, has traced a young girl whom he believes to be the daughter of his half brother, Yuri, and the beautiful Lara. ... The orphaned Yuri goes to live in Moscow with the family of aristocrat Alexander Gromeko. He becomes a doctor and later marries Gromeko's daughter, Tonya. Yuri meets Lara, the daughter of dressmaker Amelia, when he helps save her life after a suicide attempt prompted by her seduction by Komarovsky, Amelia's lover. Yuri and Lara meet again at a party, where Lara vengefully shoots and wounds Komarovsky. She is taken from the party by a young political idealist, Pasha, whom she soon marries. When the Great War breaks out in 1914, Yuri goes to the front to aid the soldiers, and again encounters Lara, who has become a nurse. They fall in love, but though she has been deserted by Pasha, their relationship remains platonic. When Yuri returns to Moscow, he finds the city changed by the revolution. The Gromeko home has been taken over; the government looks with disfavor on Yuri's poetry; and he and his family, cold and starving, travel by train to their country estate in the Urals. At a library in nearby Yuriatin, Yuri again meets Lara, who is in the town to see Pasha, now known as the bandit general Strelnikov. At her apartment, Yuri and Lara make love, and their affair continues for some months. With Tonya pregnant, however, Yuri sees Lara for what he says will be the last t...

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Synopsis Promising young surgeon Yuri Zhivago is happily married to a wife from a good family when a world war, the Russian Revolution and his growing passion for the beautiful Lara disrupt their lives. Though Lara inspires his greatest poetry, they are kept apart by the forces of history until Zhivago defies the Soviet government to flee with his love to the snowbound countryside of his youth. There, they snatch a few moments of happiness until she vanishes with their infant daughter, leaving Zhivago to spend the rest of his life searching for her. Years later, his half-brother, Yevgraf, tracks down a young factory worker who knows little of her past except for her passion for music and poetry which she inherited from her father, Yuri. Director: David Lean Producer: Carlo Ponti Screenplay: Robert Bolt Based on the novel by Boris Pasternak Cinematography: Freddie Young Editing: Norman Savage Art Direction: John Box Music: Maurice Jarre Cast: Omar Sharif (Yuri Zhivago), Julie Christie (Lara), Geraldine Chaplin (Tonya), Rod Steiger (Komarovski), Alec Guinness (Yevgraf), Tom Courtenay (Pasha), Ralph Richardson (Alexander Gromeko), Siobhan McKenna (Anna Gromeko), Rita Tushingham (The Girl), Klaus Kinski (Kostoyed), Jack MacGowran (Petya) C-180m. Why Doctor Zhivago is Essential Doctor Zhivago was the first major western film to capture the turmoil of the Russian Revolution, leading the way for such later epics as Nicholas and Alexand...

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{"imgID": "0","imgSrc": "","imgDescription": "Ad art featuring caricatures of Omar Sharif as Yuri Zhivago, Julie Christie as Lara, Geraldine Chaplin as Tonya, Rod Steiger as Komarovsky, Tom Courtenay as Pasha/Strelnikov, Alec Guinness as Yevgraf Zhivago and others.","imgParticipants": "|GERALDINE CHAPLIN|TOM COURTENAY|ALEC GUINNESS|ROD STEIGER|OMAR SHARIF|JULIE CHRISTIE|"},{"imgID": "1","imgSrc": "","imgDescription": "Ad art featuring caricatures of Omar Sharif as Yuri Zhivago, Julie Christie as Lara, Geraldine Chaplin as Tonya, Rod Steiger as Komarovsky, Tom Courtenay as Pasha/Strelnikov, Alec Guinness as Yevgraf Zhivago and others.","imgParticipants": "|GERALDINE CHAPLIN|ALEC GUINNESS|OMAR SHARIF|JULIE CHRISTIE|TOM COURTENAY|ROD STEIGER|"},
 Publicity Art from the movie 'Doctor Zhivago'
Doctor Zhivago
Publicity Art
{"imgID": "0","imgSrc": "","imgDescription": "Medium publicity shot of Costume Designer Phyllis Dalton holding costume artwork.","imgParticipants": "|PHYLLIS DALTON|"},{"imgID": "1","imgSrc": "","imgDescription": "Wardrobe sketch for Omar Sharif as Yuri Zhivago.","imgParticipants": "null"},{"imgID": "2","imgSrc": "","imgDescription": "Wardrobe sketch for Geraldine Chaplin as Tonya.","imgParticipants": "null"},{"imgID": "3","imgSrc": "","imgDescription": "Wardrobe sketch for Siobhan McKenna as Anna.","imgParticipants": "null"},{"imgID": "4","imgSrc": "","imgDescription": "Wardrobe sketch for Julie Christie as Lara.","imgParticipants": "null"},{"imgID": "5","imgSrc": "","imgDescription": "Wardrobe sketch for Geraldine Chaplin as Tonya.","imgParticipants": "null"},{"imgID": "6","imgSrc": "","imgDescription": "Wardrobe sketch for Army Uniforms.","imgParticipants": "null"},{"imgID": "7","imgSrc": "","imgDescription": "Wardrobe sketch for Geraldine Chaplin as Tonya.","imgParticipants": "null"},{"imgID": "8","imgSrc": "","imgDescription": "Wardrobe sketch for Julie Christie as Lara.","imgParticipants": "null"},{"imgID": "9","imgSrc": "","imgDescription": "Wardrobe sketch for Omar Sharif as Yuri Zhivago.","imgParticipants": "null"},{"imgID": "10","imgSrc": "","imgDescription": "Wardrobe sketch for Alec Guinness as Yevgraf Zhivago.","imgParticipants": "null"},
 Costume Design Sketches from the movie 'Doctor Zhivago'
Doctor Zhivago
Costume Design Sketch..
{"imgID": "0","imgSrc": "","imgDescription": "Medium shot of Geraldine Chaplin as Tonya, wearing white gown and holding fan.","imgParticipants": "|GERALDINE CHAPLIN|"},{"imgID": "1","imgSrc": "","imgDescription": "Medium publicity shot of Geraldine Chaplin as Tonya.","imgParticipants": "|GERALDINE CHAPLIN|"},{"imgID": "2","imgSrc": "","imgDescription": "Medium publicity shot of Geraldine Chaplin as Tonya, wearing black fur hat, and coat with black fur collar.","imgParticipants": "|GERALDINE CHAPLIN|"},{"imgID": "3","imgSrc": "","imgDescription": "Close publicity shot of Geraldine Chaplin as Tonya, with hands on head, wearing white gloves.","imgParticipants": "|GERALDINE CHAPLIN|"},{"imgID": "4","imgSrc": "","imgDescription": "Medium publicity shot of Geraldine Chaplin who plays Tonya.","imgParticipants": "|GERALDINE CHAPLIN|"},{"imgID": "5","imgSrc": "","imgDescription": "Medium publicity shot of Geraldine Chaplin as Tonya.","imgParticipants": "|GERALDINE CHAPLIN|"},{"imgID": "6","imgSrc": "","imgDescription": "Medium publicity shot of Geraldine Chaplin as Tonya.","imgParticipants": "|GERALDINE CHAPLIN|"},
 Geraldine Chaplin Publicity Stills from the movie 'Doctor Zhivago'
Doctor Zhivago
Geraldine Chaplin Pub..
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 Program Book  from the movie 'Doctor Zhivago'
Doctor Zhivago
Program Book


Location scenes filmed in Spain and Finland. Blown up to 70mm for roadshow engagements.

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