Search, The (1948) - (Movie Clip) It Was A City In Czechoslovakia
Something like a flashback, providing background on post-war refugee Karel (Ivan Jandl), in particular introducing his mother Hanna (Czech-born Metropolitan Opera soprano Jarmila Novotna), from Fred Zinnemann's The Search, 1948.
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Search, The - (Original Trailer)
An American soldier (Montgomery Clift) in postwar Europe becomes attached to a homeless child (Ivan Jandi) in The Search (1948), directed by Fred Zinnemann.
Search, The (1948) -- (Movie Clip) A Right Taken From Them
Director Fred Zinnemann's opening, shooting in the ruins of post-war Nuremberg, Aline MacMahon narrating as aid worker "Mrs. Murray," and glimpses at young Ivan Jandl, who will play the lead, in The Search, 1948.
Search, The (1948) -- (Movie Clip) So You Are Hungry?
The first scene in which Montgomery Clift was seen by movie audiences, as American soldier "Steve" Stevenson, in post-war Germany meeting young refugee Karel (Ivan Jandl), who has already escaped from United Nations authorities once, in Fred Zinnemann's The Search, 1948.
Search, The (1948) -- (Movie Clip) An Auschwitz Kid
American soldier Steve (Montgomery Clift) has just brought mute refugee kid Karel (Ivan Jandl) home in the American zone in post-war Germany, getting help from colleague and roommate Jerry (Wendell Corey), in director Fred Zinnemann's The Search, 1948.