King Of Kings (1961) - (Movie Clip) On A Silver Platter
Nice evocation by director Nicholas Ray of the origins of a famous phrase, King Herod (Frank Thring) infuriating his wife (Rita Gam) by demanding a dance from her daughter Salome (Brigid Bazlen), in King Of Kings, 1961.
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King of Kings (1961) - (Original Trailer)
Nicholas Ray (Rebel Without a Cause) tells the life of Jesus Christ in King of Kings (1961).
King Of Kings (1961) -- (Movie Clip) He Is Without Sin
John The Baptist (Robert Ryan) at work, interviewed by candidates when whom should appear but the little-known messiah, (Jeffrey Hunter), whose mother (Siobhan McKenna) he will shortly visit, in Nicholas Ray's King Of Kings, 1961.
King Of Kings (1961) -- (Movie Clip) The Kingdom Of Judea
Remarkably effective old-school epic-making, the only de facto collaboration of Nicholas Ray, directing, and Orson Welles, narrating, Conrado San Martin as the Roman general, opening producer Samuel Bronstons take on the New Testament, King Of Kings, 1961, starring Jeffrey Hunter.