Beyond, The (1981) - (Movie Clip) The Eyes!
Exposition with Liza (Catriona McColl), who's inherited a spooky old hotel, her contractor Martin (credits un-clear), then painter Larry (Anthony Flees) and dashing doctor McCabe (David Warbeck), in Lucio Fulci's The Beyond, 1981.
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Beyond, The (1981) -- (Movie Clip) I've Been Looking For You
Terrific shot on a Louisiana causeway, rookie hotelier Liza (Catriona McColl) meets unexpected Emily (Cinzia Monreale), they go home where Martha (Veronica Lazar) discovers the plumber has failed, in The Beyond, 1981.

Beyond, The (1981) -- (Movie Clip) Mommy!
Mother drops off Jill (Maria Pia Marsala) outside the morgue where her deceased plumber father lies, much sound effects, and big zombie trouble, in Lucio Fulci's The Beyond, 1981.

Beyond, The (1981) -- (Movie Clip) Louisiana, 1927
For Italian producers an exotic locale, with rotogravure effect, Louisiana, 1927, opening director Lucio Fulci's The Beyond, 1981, Liza (Catriona McColl) communing with a book of prophecies.

Beyond, The (1981) -- (Movie Clip) Take It Easy
Straight scare stuff, Liza (Catriona McColl) alone in her spooky hotel, discovers echoes of the lynching of a warlock 50-some years back, comforted by John (David Warbeck), in Lucio Fulci's The Beyond, 1981.