Snake Pit, The (1948) - (Movie Clip) One Of The Sick Ones
Inmate Virginia (Olivia De Havilland) with her internal monologue, at the inmate's social club with her caring husband Robert (Mark Stevens), in director Anatole Litvak's The Snake Pit, 1948.
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Snake Pit, The (1948) -- (Movie Clip) Now Then, Virginia
Under examination by a review board and seeking her release, Virginia (Olivia De Havilland) fails to exhibit stability, in Anatole Litvak's 1948 hit The Snake Pit.
Snake Pit, The (1948) -- (Movie Clip) Where Do I Sign?
Spouse Robert (Mark Stevens) is recounting his marriage and early problems with his wife, now-institutionalized Virginia (Olivia de Havilland) for her psychiatrist Dr. Kik (Leo Genn), early in The Snake Pit, 1948, based on the book by one-time inmate Mary Jane Ward.
Snake Pit, The (1948) -- (Movie Clip) I Don't Like A Zoo
Apparent in this very early scene just how deluded Virginia (Olivia De Havilland) is, even to her fellow mental patient Grace (Celeste Holm), in Anatole Litvak's chilling The Snake Pit, 1948.
Snake Pit, The (1948) -- (Movie Clip) Before It's Too Late
Shrink doctor Kik (Leo Genn) with more beaurocratic colleagues (Natalie Shafer as Miss Seifert, Howard Freeman, Frank Conroy, et al) arguing his case in the staff dining hall, in Anatole Litvak's The Snake Pit, 1948.