Lawrence Of Arabia (1962) - (Movie Clip) He Must Be A Great Hero
Lawrence (Peter O'Toole) is busy modeling new robes presented by Sherif Ali (Omar Sharif) when he meets Auda (Anthony Quinn) for the first time, in David Lean's Lawrence Of Arabia, 1962.
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Lawrence of Arabia - (Original Trailer)
A British military officer (Peter O'Toole) enlists the Arabs for desert warfare during WWI in Lawrence of Arabia (1962).

Lawrence Of Arabia (1962) -- (Movie Clip) Bedouins And Gods
Cairo commander General Murray (Donald Wolfit) just about tolerates Lawrence (Peter O'Toole) and diplomat Dryden (Claude Rains), arranging his assignment, ending with a famous edit, in David Lean's Lawrence Of Arabia, 1962.

Lawrence Of Arabia (1962) -- (Movie Clip) They Are Master And Man
The ever-insubordinate title character (Peter O'Toole) in the presence of Prince Feisal (Alec Guinness), with Col. Brighton (Anthony Quayle) and Sharif Ali (Omar Sharif) in David Lean's Lawrence Of Arabia, 1962.

Lawrence of Arabia (1962) -- (Movie Clip) My Name Is For My Friends
Remarkable tension and photography by Freddie Young, as Lawrence (Peter O'Toole) and Tafas (Zia Mohyeddin) meet Sherif Ali (Omar Sharif) in a famous scene from David Lean's Lawrence Of Arabia, 1962.

Arab Images On Film -- (Movie Promo) July 2011
TCM's Original Promo for Arab Images On Film programming, Tuesdays and Thursdays in prime time this July.

Lawrence Of Arabia (1962) -- (Movie Clip) Aqaba
Peter O'Toole (title character) has intimated that he and colleagues (Omar Sharif, Anthony Quinn) were less-than sober for the glorious raid on Aqaba, Jordan, actually shot in Spain, in David Lean's Lawrence Of Arabia, 1962.

Lawrence Of Arabia (1962) -- (Movie Clip) Did You Know Him Well?
Joining director David Leans opening after credits, Peter OToole (title character) meets his end, then shooting a soundstage interior but real exterior of St. Pauls, London, Anthony Quayle, Jack Hawkins and Arthur Kennedy among the mourners, from Lawrence Of Arabia, 1962.