Putney Swope - (Movie Clip) New Chairman, Credits
With the newly-deceased boss on the table in the board-room, executives (Stan Gottlieb, Ramon Gordon, Allen Garfield) elect the token black guy and title character (Arnold Johnson) in Robert Downey's Putney Swope, 1969.
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With clients bailing out, Nathan (Stan Gottlieb) tells the new boss at the ad agency (and title character, Arnold Johnson) that an Asian industrialist (Tom Odachi) has a new mousetrap, in Robert Downey's Putney Swope, 1969.
Putney Swope -- (Movie Clip) Brothers in the Black Room
The title character and advertising potentate (Arnold Johnson) has a brief encounter with Allan Arbus (director's pal) then meets with fellow African-Americans, in Robert Downey's Putney Swope, 1969.
Putney Swope -- (Movie Clip) Open, Dr. Weasley
A chopper flying a jolly-roger and a Confederate flag carries a Mensa-member Hell's Angel advertising guru into a Manhattan high-rise, in the opening of Robert Downey's Putney Swope, 1969.
Putney Swope -- (Movie Clip) Mixed Media
Antonio Fargas (as "The Arab," best-known as Huggy from "Starsky and Hutch") performing a Muslim prayer and diatribe, in writer-director Robert Downey's advertising send-up Putney Swope, 1969.