Dandy in Aspic, A - (Movie Clip) Nightingale
Opening scene in which spy Eberlin (Laurence Harvey, who finished the film after director Anthony Mann died) stays cool when he realizes who's being buried, in A Dandy in Aspic, 1968.
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Dandy In Aspic, A -- (Movie Clip) One Of Their Failures...
Eberlin (Laurence Harvey), waylaid by fellow spy Copperfield (Norman Bird), observes the attempt to capture a Russian, Westminster Abbey and Waterloo Bridge as backdrops, in A Dandy in Aspic, 1968.

Dandy in Aspic, A -- (Movie Clip) Mum Thinks I'm Mad
Having lured spy Eberlin (Laurence Harvey) away from a social event, free-spirit photographer Caroline (Mia Farrow) displays various aspects of herself back at the flat in A Dandy in Aspic, 1968.

Dandy In Aspic, A -- (Movie Clip) Nice Balance
Called-in spy Eberlin (Laurence Harvey) shares emnity with colleague Brogue (Calvin Lockhart) and hidden Gatiss (Tom Courtenay), in a shooting gallery in A Dandy in Aspic, 1968, from Derek Marlowe's novel.

Dandy in Aspic, A -- (Movie Clip) Opening Credits
Nifty Quincy Jones opening music and advanced puppet work from director Anthony Mann's last film, the spy-thriller A Dandy in Aspic, 1968, finished by star Laurence Harvery after Mann's death.