Thunderball (1965) - (Movie Clip) The Little Fish I Throw Back
Series of telling events as 007 (Sean Connery) greets Leiter (Rick von Nutter), discovers underling Quist (Bill Cummings) in his suite, and sends him back to Largo (Adolfo Celi) in Thunderball, 1965.
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Thunderball (1965) -- (Movie Clip) Do I Seem Healthy?
Perhaps the only scene in which Bond (Sean Connery) ever shouts "Help!", strapped to a traction table by the irritable Patricia (Molly Peters) in Thunderball, 1965.

Thunderball (1965) -- (Movie Clip) Credits, Title Song
Tail end of the opening stunt leads to credit sequence for Thunderball, 1965, the fourth James Bond feature, title tune by John Barry and Don Black performed by Tom Jones.

Thunderball (1965) -- (Movie Clip) Codename Thunderball
Ken Adam's production design takes over as Moneypenny (Lois Maxwell) sends Bond (Sean Connery) to "the conference room" where M (Bernard Lee) and the Home Secretary (Roland Culver) preside in Thunderball, 1965.

Thunderball (1965) -- (Movie Clip) You Seem To Be Unbeatable
Chemin De Fer in the Bahamas with Largo (Adolfo Celi) occasions testy conversation and an escape with Domino (Claudine Auger) for 007 (Sean Connery) in Thunderball, 1965.

Thunderball (1965) -- (Movie Clip) Opening, Bouvar Funeral
Opening stunt from Thunderball finds 007 (Sean Connery) attending a "funeral," killing a guy in a dress then escaping via what must be the silliest gadget-based look in the Connery-James Bond canon.