Ben Mankiewicz Intro - For Heaven's Sake (1926)
Ben Mankiewicz introduces For Heavens Sake, 1926.
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For Heaven's Sake (1926) -- (Movie Clip) People's Engineering
Whiz-bang stunt with a car and a train, after an elaborate chase in which Harold Lloyd, as filthy-rich Harold Manners, in the new ride hes just casually purchased, picks up cops chasing bandits, in Lloyds first Paramount feature, For Heavens Sake, 1926.
For Heaven's Sake (1926) -- (Movie Clip) Two Earthquakes And A Landslide
Opening Harold Lloyds first feature made for Paramount, Paul Weigel as the city missionary, Jobyna Ralston his daughter, then eventually to Lloyd as impossibly rich Harold Manners, expressing his wealth through cars, in For Heavens Sake, 1926.
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