Naked Prey, The (1966) - (Original Trailer)
Original trailer for producer, director and star Cornel Wildes well-received African manhunt drama, The Naked Prey, 1966.
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Following a grisly elephant hunt, in a film that makes no claim about harm done to animals, the safari guide (Cornel Wilde, also the director) and his employer (Gert Van Der Veer) are attacked by African warriors, avenging a needless insult, in The Naked Prey, 1966.
Naked Prey, The (1966) -- (Movie Clip) Hunt
nakedprey_hunt_FCBeginning the pursuit that will comprise the balance of the picture, director and star Cornel Wilde as man, the captured safari guide, after the ritual murder of his imperialist colleagues, is given the chance to escape, Ken Gampu the leader of the natives, in The Naked Prey, 1966.
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Opening with narration by the director and star Cornel Wilde, hes introduced along with his employer, billed as 2nd Man, Gert Van Der Veer, shooting on location in Transvaal with the cooperation of the Apartheid government of South Africa, in The Naked Prey, 1966.