Ben Mankiewicz Intro - Sparrows (1926)
Ben Mankiewicz introduces Sparrows, 1926.
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Sparrows (1926) -- (Movie Clip) See The New Baby
Molly (producer and star Mary Pickford), the eldest of the orphans stuck at the baby farm somewhere in a Southern swamp, is summoned by the proprietor Grimes (Gustave Von Seyffertitz) to take charge of an infant hes just kidnapped, in Sparrows, 1926.

Sparrows (1926) -- (Movie Clip) Remember What The Bible Says
Producer and star Mary Pickford as Molly, the eldest and de facto leader of the suffering baby farm, overseeing work while the proprietor Grimes (Gustave Von Seyffertitz) and wife (Charlotte Mineau) contemplate a kidnapping, in Sparrows, 1926.

Sparrows (1926) -- (Movie Clip) They're Awful Mean To Us
Were just finding that producer and star Mary Pickford is Molly, eldest of the orphans stuck at the Southern baby farm run by cruel Grimes, reassuring them that their creator is watching out for them, despite appearances, in Sparrows, 1926, William S. Beaudine directing.