Alec Baldwin Hosts The Essentials - (Movie Promo) May 2017
Promo for the 2017 season of TCM's The Essentials, hosted by Alec Baldwin, with special guests David Letterman, Tina Fey and William Friedkin, premiering Saturday, May 6th at 8pm ET.
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Bad And The Beautiful, The (1953) -- (Movie Clip) That's Star Quality
Stories within stories, Vincente Minnelli's flashback covering the rise of Hollywood legacy actress Georgia (Lana Turner), shepherded by producer Jonathan Shields (Kirk Douglas), Leo G. Carroll a droll director, Sammy White her wobbly agent, in The Bad And The Beautiful, 1953.

Bad And The Beautiful, The (1953) -- (Movie Clip) Doom Of The Cat Men
Barry Sullivan narrating as young director Fred, about his rise along with producer Jonathan Shields (Kirk Douglas) through the Hollywood ranks, echoes of the career of producer Val Lewton included, in Vincente Minnelli's The Bad And The Beautiful, 1953.

Bad And The Beautiful, The (1953) -- (Movie Clip) Peppered With Sex
Mogul Harry Pebel (Walter Pidgeon) handling the narrative transition, beginning the third extended flashback, the back-story of writer Jim (Dick Powell) and wife Rosemary (Gloria Grahame), Madge Blake their scandalized guest, in Vincente Minnelli's The Bad And The Beautiful, 1953.

David Letterman's Picks -- (Movie Promo) The Essentials, 2017
Host Alec Baldwin and special guest David Letterman, in this promo for the 2017 season of The Essentials, on TCM, premiering, Saturday, May 6th at 8pm ET

Bad And The Beautiful, The (1953) -- (Movie Clip) I Started To Work
From the flashback by screenwriter James Lee Bartlow (Dick Powell), recalling his first visit to Hollywood with wife Rosemary (Gloria Grahame in her Academy Award role), their host the producer Jonathan Shields (Kirk Douglas), in Vincente Minnelli's The Bad And The Beautiful, 1953.

Bad And The Beautiful, The (1953) -- (Movie Clip) You Don't Get Paid
Mogul Pebbel (Walter Pidgeon) introduces the narrative device and players, Barry Sullivan as Fred, Lana Turner as Georgia, Dick Powell as Jim and Kirk Douglas as absent Jonathan, silent movie superstar Francis X. Bushman the eulogist, in Vincente Minnelli's The Bad And The Beautiful, 1953.