Sandpiper, The (1965) - (Movie Clip) The Only Way To Tame Anything
Providing the title, Big Sur-area boarding school headmaster and Episcopal priest Hewitt (Richard Burton) on a home visit with Laura (Elizabeth Taylor), the never-married artist mother of a boy remanded to him by a judge, in The Sandpiper, 1965, from an original screenplay by Dalton Trumbo and Michael Wilson.
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Sandpiper, The - (Original Trailer)
An Episcopal priest (Richard Burton) falls for a bohemian artist (Elizabeth Taylor) living in Big Sur in The Sandpiper (1965).
Sandpiper, The (1965) -- (Movie Clip) It's Either That Or Reform School
After the opening in which lightly-parented Big Sur resident Danny (Morgan Mason) shot a deer, he and his artist mother Laura (Elizabeth Taylor) are called before a local judge (Torin Thatcher), Vincente Minnelli directing, early in the Taylor and Richard Burton vehicle The Sandpiper, 1965.
Sandpiper, The (1965) -- (Movie Clip) Think Of All Those Renaissance Cats
Big Sur artist and single mom Laura (Elizabeth Taylor) and friend Larry (James Edwards) are being rebuffed by gallery owner Ellie (Pamela Mason) when Hewitt (Richard Burton), priest and headmaster of the school where her sons been sent, arrives with a generous attitude, in The Sandpiper< 1965.
Sandpiper, The (1965) -- (Movie Clip) The Father Was Abandoned By Me
The first meeting of principals Elizabeth Taylor and Richard Burton in their first picture after Cleopatra, 1963, hes the Episcopal priest headmaster of a California boarding school, shes the free-spirited mother of a son sent there by a judge, Eva Marie Saint his wife, in The Sandpiper, 1965.