X: The Man With The X-Ray Eyes - (1963) - (Movie Clip) The Monkey's Been Conditioned
Having just cracked her administrative whip over his research funding, Dr. Fairfax (Diana Van Der Vlis) gets a demo from maybe-renegade doctor Xavier (Ray Milland), with a monkey, smoking together after science, early in producer-director Roger Cormans X: The Man With The X-Ray Eyes, 1963.
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X: The Man With The X-Ray Eyes -- (1963) -- Original Trailer
Original trailer for what has become one of producer-director Roger Corman and American-Internationlal Pictjures' most beloved titles, X: The Man With The X-Ray Eyes, 1963, starring Ray Milland.

X: The Man With The X-Ray Eyes -- (1963) -- (Movie Clip) I'm Closing In On The Gods
After a gory prologue, two static shots of a disembodied eyeball, producer and director Roger Corman offers graphics with a Saul Bass inflection, and we meet star Ray Milland as eye-doctor Xavier, Harold J. Stone his skeptical colleague, in X: The Man With The X-Ray Eyes, 1963.

X: The Man With The X-Ray Eyes -- (1963) -- (Movie Clip) I Like Men Who Look Urgent
Dr. Fairfax (Diana Van Der Vlis), convinced that x-ray vision researcher Xavier (Ray Milland) has been working too hard, brings him to a party, where regular AIP eye-candy gal Lorie Summers approaches, and he finds out the effects have't worn off, in X: The Man With The X-Ray Eyes, 1963.

X: The Man With The X-Ray Eyes -- (1963) -- (Movie Clip) I Can See Through It
Driven only by his curiosity, Dr. Xavier (Ray Milland) has persuaded colleague Dr. Brant (Harold J. Stone) to assist, as he tries out his miracle x-ray eyedrops, heretofore used only on animals, on himself, the first special effects, in AIP and Roger Cormans X: The Man With The X-Ray Eyes, 1963.

X: The Man With The X-Ray Eyes -- (1963) -- (Movie Clip) What Are You Dick Tracy?
Don Rickles is the insult comic carnival barker, whom we meet after researcher Xavier (Ray Milland) has gone underground, having inexplicably murdered a colleague, and discovered that his experimental vision enhancement is permanent, in Roger Corman's X: The Man With The X-Ray Eyes, 1963, and the heckler is Dick Miller, star of A Bucket Of Blood, 1959.