Ben Mankiewicz Intro - The Awful Truth (1937)
Ben Mankiewicz introduces The Awful Truth, 1937.
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Awful Truth, The (1937) -- (Movie Clip) Send For The Dog
Having jumped from just one argument to divorce court, Lucy (Irene Dunne) and Jerry (Cary Grant) wind up disagreeing mostly over the dog, "Mr. Smith," early in Leo McCarey's The Awful Truth, 1937.

Awful Truth, The (1937) -- (Movie Clip) He Has A Continental Mind
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Awful Truth, The (1937) -- (Movie Clip) A Gal's Name Needs Clearin'
The Mother (Esther Dale) of new beau Daniel (Ralph Bellamy) tentatively confronts his almost-divorced fiancee' Lucy (Irene Dunne) with nasty gossip, forcing her ex Jerry (Cary Grant), visiting on a ruse, to step up, in Leo McCarey's The Awful Truth, 1937.

Awful Truth, The (1937) -- (Movie Clip) The Road To Reno
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