A Long Way Down
Cast & Crew
Pascal Chaumeil
Rosamund Pike
Priyanga Burford
Zara Whites
Shola Adewusi
Therese Bradley
Film Details
Technical Specs
Pascal Chaumeil
Rosamund Pike
Priyanga Burford
Zara Whites
Shola Adewusi
Therese Bradley
Diana Kent
Josef Altin
Enrique Arce
Pierce Brosnan
Evelyn Duah
Toni Collette
Aaron Paul
Tuppence Middleton
Joe Cole
Leo Bill
Sam Neill
Imogen Poots
Ilan Goodman
Hugo Adams
Niv Adiri
Niv Adiri
Laurence Anslow
Collette Appleby
Carlos Antonio Aragon
Kim Armitage
Ifor Ashton
Tack R Baldwin
Azealia Banks
Azealia Banks
Ben Barker
Sebastian Barker
Andy Barton
Craig Barwick
Lloyd Bass
Mike Beaven
David Bell
James Bellamy
James Bellamy
James Bellamy
David Bird
Kathryn Blight
Daniel Bocking
Lizzie Bravo
Tom Brewster
Len Brown
Rob Brown
Ged Bryan
Sonny Burdis
Alex Campbell
Stephanie Carey
Ruth Chan
Manu Chao
Manu Chao
Dean Clack
Paul Clarvis
Zachary Cockrell
Jesse Cohen
Pat Coleman
Toni Collette
Andy Collins
Ben Connolly
Paige Copsey
Michelle Cort
Theresa Crooks
Fiona Cruickshank
Christoph Daniel
Duran Darkins
Andrew Gwyn Davies
Ben Davis
Ben Davis
Rebecca Davis
Garry Dawson
Kevin Day
Kevin Day
Claudio Del Gobbo
Kelly Dent
D. V. Devincentis
Jonny Dickinson
Odile Dicks-mireaux
Ernest Dios
Jo-anne Dixon
Gillian Dodders
Nicola Dove
Tim Drewett
Simon Dutton
Polly Duval
Finola Dwyer
Graham Easton
Giles Edleston
Paul Edwards
Nigel Egerton
Erik Ellefsen
Erik Ellefsen
Guy Elson
John Etheridge
Lauren Evans
Andreas Faltin
Dino Fekaris
William Finch
Eamonn Fitzgerald
Paul Flint
Heath Fogg
Andy Forest
Paolo Frasson
Christopher Free
Danny Freemantle
Glenn Freemantle
Glenn Freemantle
Nicholas Freemantle
Dean Garcia
Glen Gathard
Barry Gibb
Maurice Gibb
Robin Gibb
Chris Gill
David Glossop
Nina Gold
Kate Guyan
Erol Halil
Steve Hammick
Annie Hitchcock
Peter Hodgson
Tommy Holman
Jo Hopker
Nick Hornsby
Nick Hornsby
Nick Hornsby
Benjamin Howard
Brittany Howard
Monica Hübert
Lewis Hume
Natalie Humphries
The Irrepressibles
Matt James
Steve Joberns
Steve Johnson
Zygi Kamasa
Francois Kamffer
Steve Keane
Michael Kinsella-perks
Michael Kiwanuka
Michael Kiwanuka
Matthew Lane
Christine Langan
Claire Lawrence
Derek Lea
Tim Leadley
Caroline Levy
Guy List
Frank Loesser
Tony Lucken
Matthew Lumley
Nadiya Luthra
Dario Marianelli
Candy Marlowe
Gary Marriott
Peter Marsden
Jef Martens
James Mcdermott
Michael Mcdermott
Belinda Mcginley
Holly Mclean
Paul Mooney
Nigel Moore
John Morgan
Richard Morrison
Tim Neill
Lizzie Newsham
Hermione Ninnim
Oli Novadnieks
Kevin O'shea
Chris Oddy
Nick Oliver
Steve Owen
Steve Owen
Mark Packman
James Panting
Theo Park
Sam Barry Parker
Gareth Parry
Malcolm Pearce
Marko Perendija
Frederick Perren
Rebecca Pescod
Barney Pilling
Mark Pir
Nicole Pitchers
Chris Pollard
Imogen Poots
Amanda Posey
James Powell
Alan Pritt
Andrew Purdy
Colin Rae
Johnny Rafique
Patrice Renard
Sam Renton
Nick Rideout
Garry Ridgewell
Jack Ridout
John Robertson
Josh Robertson
Pebbles Robertson
Paul Robinson
Maggie Rodford
Kle Savidge
Lisbeth Savill
Marc Schmidheiny
Phoebe Scholfield
Umberto Schramm
Thorsten Schumacher
Jan Sewell
Alabama Shakes
James Shirras
Asa Shoul
Tim Siddall
Hilary Skewes
Elizabeth Small
Film Details
Technical Specs
Miscellaneous Notes
Video on Demand in United States June 5, 2014
Based on the novel "A Long Way Down" written by Nick Hornby published by Viking June 2005.
Limited Release in United States July 11, 2014
Released in United States on Video September 9, 2014
Project was previously set up at Warner Bros. Pictures with David Heyman, Graham King and Johnny Depp attached to produce. D.V. DeVincentis previously adaptated the novel.
Video on Demand in United States June 5, 2014
Emile Hirsch was previously attached as cast
Carey Mulligan was previously attached as cast.
Limited Release in United States July 11, 2014
Released in United States on Video September 9, 2014