West of the Law
Brief Synopsis
Cast & Crew
Howard P. Bretherton
Buck Jones
Tim Mccoy
Raymond Hatton
Evelyn Cooke
Harry Woods
Film Details
Technical Specs

In Gold Creek, newspaper editor Rufus Todd publishes articles about the outlaws who are terrorizing the area with stagecoach robberies and rustling. Rufus shows his daughter, Julie, and his best friend, John Corbett, the first edition of his next paper, which publicly denounces saloon keepers Jim Rand and Ludlow, whom Rufus believes are in charge of the gang. Julie's fiancé Ray then tells them that he has taken a job hauling high grade ore, and will take the remote Eagle's Pass to avoid the robbers. Unknown to Rufus and Ray, John is the mastermind behind the outlaws, and he returns to his gang to inform them of Ray's route. Rand and Ludlow resent the fact that John, who has high grade ore stolen so he can sell it as his own, continues to maintain a facade as a righteous civic leader, while they do the dirty work. That night, Rand and Ludlow follow John's instructions and dynamite Rufus' office, destroying the press and everything therein. As the local law enforcement has been unable to stop the outlaws, Rufus rides to Mesa City to wire for federal marshals. When Ray drives his load over Eagle's Pass, he is attacked by two members of John's gang, but marshal Buck Roberts witnesses the attack and recaptures the wagon. Rufus, meanwhile, makes a speech in the Red Diamond Saloon against Rand and Ludlow, who are prevented from harming him by Colonel Tim McCall, a federal marshal posing as a tough minister. Sandy Hopkins, the third man in the team of marshals known as "The Rough Riders," then comes into the saloon posing as a funeral parlor owner, and rents out a storefront from Rand. Soon after, Buck rides into town with the wounded Ray and takes him into the saloon. While Ray's flesh wound is being treated, Buck tells Rand and Ludlow that he never saw the wagon. Sandy then befriends Rufus and insists that he come to the parlor to look at coffins. In private, Sandy reveals that his coffins contain a printing press and materials so that Rufus can continue to print the news, and after Buck emerges from a coffin, he informs Rufus of their identities. Buck asks Rufus to publish an edition stating that the leader behind Rand and Ludlow will be named in the very next edition. Buck then impersonates notorious outlaw Rocky Saunders, and pretends to "capture" Tim after identifying him as a marshal. Buck intimidates Rand and Ludlow into agreeing to split their proceeds with him, and they take him and Tim to their mine hideout. However, Rand plans to double-cross Buck and take the ore so they will have the upper hand with John. Rand and Ludlow run scared after Rufus distributes his paper, unaware that Tim and Sandy have taken over their hideout. Ray and Julie, meanwhile, observe John's reaction when he reads the paper and realize that Buck's suspicions about him are justified. John then finds Rufus in the funeral parlor and confronts his old friend. Sandy and Tim, meanwhile, ride to Buck's aid, as he has been taken hostage by Rand and Ludlow, who insist that he take them to the stolen wagon. After the gang is rounded up, Buck rushes to town and saves Rufus from John, who is about to kill him. Buck is forced to shoot John in self-defense, and Rufus is saddened by the loss of his friend. After the outlaws are imprisoned, the Rough Riders return home.

Howard P. Bretherton

Buck Jones
Tim Mccoy

Raymond Hatton
Evelyn Cooke

Harry Woods
Jack Daley
Bud Mctaggert
Milt Moranti

Roy Barcroft
George Denormand

Film Details
Technical Specs

Modern sources include the following actors in the cast: Bud Osborne, Lynton Brent, Tom London, Eddie Parker, Artie Ortego, Al Ferguson, Augie Gomez, Chick Hannon, Warren Jackson, Foxy O'Callahan and Tex Palmer. For further information on the "Rough Riders" series, consult the Series Index, and see the entry above for Arizona Bound.