Unexpected Father
Brief Synopsis
Cast & Crew
Charles Lamont
Sandy Lee
Shirley Ross
Dennis O'keefe
Mischa Auer
Joy Hodges
Film Details
Technical Specs
Jimmy Hanley, an usher and part time entertainer, feels responsible when his former dance partner and her husband die tragically in an auto accident, leaving their youngster Sandy all alone. Consequently, when the baby's uncle, Ed Stone, balks at assuming responsibility for the child, Jimmy, his sweetheart, chorine Diana Donovan, and his roommate Boris Bebenko decide to care for Sandy even though they know nothing about child rearing. Sandy's presence produces arguments between Jimmy and Diana, who believes that Jimmy is too irresponsible. All three are employed at the theater, and so one night, when they all have to be at work, Jimmy hides Sandy on a chair, which turns out to be a throne in one of the musical comedy numbers. When the curtains rise and reveal Sandy, the audience goes wild, thus infuriating theater manager Allen Rand, who fires Jimmy. Reading of Sandy's newfound popularity, Ed Stone senses that money is to be made, and so petitions for custody of the child. The case is brought to court where the judge rules against the Stones and commits Sandy to an orphanage. To save Sandy from the orphanage, the practical Diana accepts Rand's marriage proposal and the pair drive to Connecticut to be wed. Meanwhile, Jimmy is called to the orphanage,where a despondent Sandy refuses to eat, and when the child makes a miraculous recovery at Jimmy's appearance, the officials decide to let him adopt Sandy. Learning of Jimmy's good news, Diana's friend Peg convinces Jimmy that Diana is marrying Rand only to adopt Sandy, and Jimmy races to Connecticut, stops the wedding and decides to marry Diana himself.
Charles Lamont
Sandy Lee
Shirley Ross
Dennis O'keefe
Mischa Auer
Joy Hodges
Dorothy Arnold
Anne Gwynne
Anne Nagel
Donald Briggs
Richard Lane
Paul Guilfoyle
Mayo Methot
Jane Darwell
Spencer Charters
Dorothy Vaughn
Ed Stanley
Frank Reicher
Charles Lane
Frank Reicher
Charles Williams
Frank Darien
George Guhl
Robert Homans
Minerva Urecal
Clara Blore
Joey Ray
George Offerman Jr.
Tommy Bupp
Mary Field
Margaret Brayton
Betty Blair
Ben Lewis
Billy Engle
Eva Mckenzie
Walter Perry
Ronnie Rondell
Ralph Brooks
Jesse T. Bastian
Bernard B. Brown
Ralph M. Delacy
Fred Frank
R. A. Gausman
Ken Goldsmith
Charles Grayson
Ted Kent
Jack Otterson
Charles Previn
Val Raset
George Robinson
Leonard Spiegelgass
Dan Thomas
Walton And O'rourke
Vera West
Film Details
Technical Specs
The working titles of this picture were Sandy Takes a Bow and Bachelor's Baby. According to the Variety review, it was rushed into production to capitalize on Baby Sandy's successful appearance with Bing Crosby in East Side of Heaven. Sandy's popularity prompted Universal to initiate a "Baby Sandy" series. This was the first of six pictures in the Universal series, which ended in 1941 with the film Melody Lane. For additional information about the series, consult the Series Index. Although the onscreen credits attribute original screenplay to Leonard Spiegelgass and Charles Grayson, the copyright records originally credited Spiegelgass with original story. The Variety review incorrectly lists Anne Gwynne as Sally, Dorothy Arnold as Beulah and Anne Nagle as Kitty. News items in Hollywood Reporter note that Dennis O'Keefe was borrowed from M-G-M and Shirley Ross from Paramount for this film. Sandy Lee's full name was Sandra Lee Henville.