Tarzan and the Valley of Gold

Brief Synopsis
Cast & Crew
Robert Day
Mike Henry
Nancy Kovack
David Opatoshu
Manuel Padilla Jr.
Don Megowan
Film Details
Technical Specs

In Central America, a little native boy, Ramel, is abducted by Vinaro, a madman who believes the child to be the sole link to a lost Aztec city of gold. Vinaro uses one of his diabolical explosive mechanisms to eliminate police and army officials; and the legendary Tarzan is flown in to help locate the jungle city. After trading his civilian clothes for a leather loincloth and a knife, Tarzan sets out on his mission, aided by a chimpanzee, a jaguar, and a lion. He rescues the boy, saves the life of Sophia Renault, Vinaro's former mistress, and finds the secret caves that lead to the lost city. Once there, however, Tarzan is unable to persuade the aged chieftain, Manco, that he must resort to violence if he is to protect his city from Vinar. Consequently, when the madman arrives with troops and armored tanks, Manco offers him a fortune in gold. The insatiable Vinaro demands more, and Manco leads him into a chamber where Vinaro pulls a lever and releases a shower of gold dust that entraps and suffocates him. Simultaneously, Tarzan engages the mercenaries in battle and successfully defeats them. As Manco observes sadly that violence is sometimes necessary to preserve one's way of life, Tarzan and Sophia leave the valley of gold and return to modern civilization.

Robert Day
Mike Henry
Nancy Kovack

David Opatoshu
Manuel Padilla Jr.

Don Megowan
Enrique Lucero
Eduardo Noriega
John Kelly
Francisco Riquerio
Frank Brandstetter

Carlos Rivas
Jorge Beirute
Oswald Olvera
Van Alexander
Ira Anderson
Ira Anderson Jr.
Nicky Blair
Emilio Calori
Evelina Casas
Mario Cisneros
John Gannon
Antonio Guajardo
Clair Huffaker
Margaret Jennings
Román Juárez
Frank P. Keller
Irving Lippman
Sam Manners
Phill Norman
Elvira Oropoeza
Producers Sound Service
Stewart Raffill
José Rodriguez Granada
Alfonso Rubio
Safari Rentals
José León Sánchez
Raul Serrano
Steve Shagan
Max Stein
Manuel Vasconcelos
Sy Weintraub
Sy Weintraub

Film Details
Technical Specs

I'll need a good rope, a hunting knife, and a soft piece of leather.- Tarzan
Filmed in Mexico. The working title of this film is Tarzan '65; prerelease title: Tarzan '66.