Cast & Crew
Lambert Hillyer
Norman Foster
Florence Rice
Mary Carlisle
Arthur Hohl
Robert Middlemass
Film Details
Technical Specs

All-American football star Randy Rogers is determined to become an engineer. His sweetheart, Nan Gale, gets Randy a job as a salesman for her father, who owns the Golden Arrow automobile company. Randy has developed a new engine that he wants to show Mr. Gale, but Nan insists that her father is only interested in Randy as a salesman, and suggests that he show it to Philip Morton, the general manager of her father's plant. Morton is convinced that Golden Arrow must merge with United Motors, and he is working against Gale toward that goal. Morton has Randy work on his invention at a private machine shop owned by Morton's henchman, George Stone, knowing that if the engine works, it could save Gale's business. Randy's first test of the new supercharged engine is an unqualified success, as it registers nearly one-hundred-and-fifty miles-per-hour, despite being installed in an old car. Nan arranges for Randy to test his engine for her father, but Morton and Stone tamper with its oil and the engine burns up. Without the new engine to boost his sales, Gale is forced to sell to United Motors, and Morton takes control of its new Golden Arrow division. He offers Randy a job, but the engineer, now aware of what happened to his engine, refuses and calls him a cheap crook. Morton then blacklists Randy, making it impossible for the young man to get a job with any other automobile manufacturer. On the waterfront, Randy runs into his old friend, Billie Devlin, and her uncle, Terry, who manufactures speed boats. At Billie's suggestion, Randy agrees to install his engine in one of their boats, and demonstrate it in a coming race. Nan learns of Randy's plan, and invites him to dinner, as her father is hoping to start building cars again. Billie becomes upset when Randy tells her of his dinner with Nan, and she angrily removes his engine from her boat. Meanwhile, Morton and Stone learn of the coming race, and sabotage the engine in Billie's boat, thinking it is Randy's. Terry finds Randy another boat for his engine, and he manages to install it just in time for the race. The race begins, and Randy's boat easily takes the lead. Billie's boat, with Morton's defective oil in its engine, blows up and bursts into flames. Randy turns his boat around and rescues Billie, but still manages to return to the race and win. With his engine and talent finally receiving the recognition they have so long deserved, Randy confesses his love to Billie.

Lambert Hillyer

Norman Foster

Florence Rice

Mary Carlisle

Arthur Hohl
Robert Middlemass

George Mckay
Gene Morgan
Edward Earle

Emmett Vogan
Edward Lesaint
Steward Buchanan
Geneva Mitchell
Stanley Blystone
Nick Copeland
Eddy Chandler
Russ Clark
Franklyn Farnum
Hal Price
Bob Furher
Billy Atkins
Hal Cole
Steve Clark
Roger Kane
Lynton Brent
Jerry Storm
Christian J. Frank
Elaine Waters
Gay Waters
A. R. Haysel
Frank O'connor
Bee Montclair
Corinne Williams

Film Details
Technical Specs