Cast & Crew
Steve Sekely
Veronica Lake
Zachary Scott
Arturo De Córdova
Rita Macedo
Alfonso Bedoya
Film Details
Technical Specs

In 1865, Señora Stevens and her American daughter Maria flee the unrest of the American Civil War, disembarking from their ship in Milagro, Mexico. Both Maria's father and brother were killed in the war, and Señora Stevens hopes for a life of peace in Mexico under the newly crowned Emperor Maximilian and his wife, Carlota. Unfortunately, Maria and her mother, heirs to the aristocratic Navarro family's silver mine fortune, and their servant, Caesar, are kidnapped by the notorious bandit Ignacio "Nacho" López as soon as they land. While a servant races to Taxco to inform their nearest relative, Don Miguel Navarro, Maria worries about her mother's weak heart. Before Navarro can rescue them, however, Señora Stevens fakes a collapse, which allows Caesar to attack Nacho and the women to escape. The first estate they reach belongs to Don Pedro Álvarez, the son of Señora Stevens' good friend. Just as they begin to feel safe, however, Nacho arrives and is treated as a friend. Pedro then announces that he is partnered with the exiled revolutionary leader Benito Juárez, and heads a rebel army which is preparing to fight Maximilian, who has not honored his promise to create an equitable, peaceful Mexico. A kind man, Pedro sends the ailing Señora Stevens to Taxco but declares he will keep Maria until he receives a load of silver which he can trade for army supplies. Over the next few days, Maria steadfastly rebuffs all of Pedro's charming advances. The silver arrives along with Maria's maid, Lupe, who hands her a secret note from Navarro instructing her to bring Pedro with her when she is released. He agrees to accompany her part of the way to Taxco, and as they travel he explains the various atrocities visited upon the Mexican peasants by the Emperor's regime. When he states that his people cannot live as slaves, Maria, a Southerner, declares that her family cherished their slaves, but Pedro counters that human beings would rather be free than cherished. Outside, Navarro's men wait to attack Pedro but are ambushed by Pedro's troops. He leaves Maria, wishing that they will someday be friends. In Taxco, Navarro woos Maria and procures for her an invitation to a royal ball. On the way to the palace, however, Pedro abducts the carriage, not knowing that Navarro is hiding in back, and brings Maria on a tour of the area's slums. Before she can react, Navarro pulls a gun on Pedro and the rebel escapes. They continue on to the palace, where Maria mars her reception with the emperor and empress by insisting that they help the poor. Her speech is interrupted by Lupe, who informs her that Señora Stevens has died. The empress secretly instructs her guards to send a small army to Taxco to hang Pedro, in the hopes that Maria will marry Navarro, thus ensuring that the Navarro fortune will remain in control of a royal supporter. Days later, Pedro attends Señora Stevens' funeral to pay his respects, and although Maria allows him entrance, Navarro orders his soldiers to apprehend him as soon as he leaves. When the funeral ends, however, Pedro has disappeared. Realizing that the rebel has slipped into a secret underground mine shaft, Navarro orders the cavern blown up. The explosion unleashes a flood of water into the passages and dozens of men and women struggle to the surface, where many are shot. All night, Maria works to rescue the wounded peasants, but nineteen die. When she then overhears Navarro bragging that he has killed Pedro, she denounces him, after which he arrests her for treason and locks her in her room. Lupe soon sneaks into Maria's locked room and informs her that Pedro is alive and awaiting her at the cathedral. Claiming that she must pray for her mother, Maria goes to the cathedral and escapes with Nacho's help into Pedro's secret passage. Navarro follows her, however, and captures Pedro. As the revolutionary waits in prison for his execution, the rebel army gathers across the country. The peasants show up en masse just as Pedro is about to be hanged and press forward until the guards are overwhelmed. Nacho cuts Pedro's noose and helps Maria onto the scaffolding, where she embraces Pedro. A man then arrives with a message from the newly escaped Juarez, which Pedro reads to the crowd: "The time has come to take up arms and bring glory to all who fight for freedom and peace."

Steve Sekely

Veronica Lake

Zachary Scott
Arturo De Córdova
Rita Macedo

Alfonso Bedoya
Yadira Jiménez
Fanny Schiller
Gilberto González
Carlos Múzquiz
Frederick A. Mack
Roc Galván

Gustavo Rojo
Iren Agay
Felipe De Alba
Francisco Reiguera
Luis Abadíe
Jorge Bevavides
Gustavo A. Campomanes
José B. Carles
Raúl J. Casso
Pedro Chávez C.
Stanley Cortez
Antonio Díaz Conde
Carmen Dirigo
Cristina G. De Escobar
James L. Fields
Edward Fitzgerald
Mario Gutiérrez Roldán
Major Antonio Haro Oliva
Enrique Hutchinson
Charles L. Kimball
Ryland R. Madison
Wells Root
Luis G. Rubín
Olallo Rubio Jr.
Galdino Samperio
Antonio Simont Guillén

Film Details
Technical Specs

Stronghold was filmed in Mexico. According to modern sources, the film was largely financed by a Mexican backer, and a Spanish-language version was shot at the same time as the English version, with different actors in certain roles. In the Spanish version, titled Furia roja, Sarita Montiel played "Maria Stevens," Emilia Guiú played "Beatriz Vega," Carlos López Moctezuma played "Don Miguel Navarro" and Juan José Laboriel played Frederick Mack's role. Many of the supporting actors appeared in both versions. However, although he is billed onscreen, Gustavo Rojo did not appear in the English version as his character was eliminated.The Spanish version opened in Mexico City on November 8, 1951, while the English version opened there on October 25, 1951. According to modern sources, some scenes were shot on location in Taxco and Acapulco, Mexico,